200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

A typical Yoga Alliance teacher training includes a minimum of 200 hours, though some programs may offer additional classes. In addition to the mandatory teacher testing, the instructor will receive a certificate certifying them as a yoga instructor. There are also differences between 200 and 300-hour teacher training. The difference is that the former course emphasizes personal practice and is more extensive. In contrast, the latter course concentrates on teaching skills and is more advanced.

The difference between 200-hour teacher training is primarily the focus of the training. In addition to teaching yoga to the public, students will learn the philosophy and anatomy of the human body. However, the latter course focuses on the physical body. Both courses include extensive study of yoga anatomy and philosophy. The instructor training must complete at least 1,000 hours of teaching in order to graduate. The duration of the programs differs as well.

200 Hour yoga teacher training online

A teacher training that includes both 200- and 300-hour hours will be a good choice for anyone who is new to teaching yoga. Besides, the differences between 200-hour and 500-hour yoga teacher training are minimal. Nonetheless, each program will require personal practice and study. Moreover, each training will focus on different aspects of the yoga lifestyle. The benefits of completing both varies from person to person.

The Difference Between 200 & 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Typically, both courses require one year of regular practice. The difference between the two is that a teacher must have completed a specific style of yoga to qualify for certification. Besides teaching skills, the training should also cover the eight limbs of yoga, asanas, and karma. A graduate of both levels of teacher training will have a certificate to teach yoga to others. In addition to yoga, the instructor will also give lectures on different topics such as karma, mindfulness, and the importance of seva, ayurveda, and meditation.

Aside from the differences between a first- and a second-level training, the two-level courses are very similar. A 200-hour course is a prerequisite for teaching a yoga class, while a 500-hour course is a prerequisite. The difference between a teacher with a higher level is more intense. The latter teaches a higher level of the subject. As an added benefit, the trainings will include more foundational information, and more practical knowledge.

The difference between a 200-hour yoga course and a 500-hour course is more intensive. If you have completed a 500-hour training, the difference is more extensive and comprehensive. The former requires more study, while a 500-hour program is a more advanced level of yoga education. If you’re interested in becoming a yoga teacher, enroll in a higher-level training program.