If you think you are just “overwhelmed” but not “disappointed”, don’t ignore this article. Believe it or not, you may be “disappointed” some of the time, and you certainly may meet others who are disappointed and might use this information.

In thinking about the reasons why someone feels (and remains) ‘disappointed’, I have identified the following three:

– Work (or a life) that does not compromise your talents, education, or passions. Day after day, do you feel like an “untapped resource”? That takes its toll.

– Work (or a life) that involves people who are not committed, are not inspired and are not worthy of your attention and talents. Tell the truth. Is most of the time you spend working with and around people who ‘don’t give a damn’, ‘have retired but are still coming to work’, ‘are negative Nellies (or Neds)’ and generally deplete energy and life immediately? you?

-Work (or a life) where you rarely have the opportunity to work on something of importance. Do you wonder, on a regular basis, why you are doing what you are doing? Does it seem like no one really cares, particularly in the ‘grand scheme of things’? Wondering if you are making a contribution?

If you are currently feeling disappointed, see if the feelings can be identified and put into one or more of the 3 categories listed above. Think about it … right now, which of these is the most troublesome for you (if any of these are)? And remember, it can be troublesome for you if there are people around you who are disappointed.

Quote to consider (and an action to take):

You have many options. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you don’t smile regularly, try another option. ~ Steven D. Woodhull

For the next 7 days, just watch how you feel when you wake up in the morning. If it is a chore on days you “go to work” but not on other days, then that is something to note. If it is NOT a task on the days that you go to work, but it is for others … then that is something you should note as well. Also, see if your face is comfortable smiling … and reflect on the last time someone told you, “You’re always smiling.” If you can’t remember the last time someone said that, then see if you can determine why. See if you notice any patterns as you consciously observe your emotions and behaviors. Do you see any patterns and, in particular, do you notice a pattern that is more in your professional life or in your personal life?

Once you’ve done your self-observations and considered the ideas in this article, you can identify “so what do I do?” for you. Or you may be looking for other resources to go from being ‘disappointed’ to being ‘just overwhelmed’.