Google Profits and Google Cash are some of the two most popular Adwords / affiliate marketing e-books on the market, so if you are wondering (as I once did) which book to buy, I would recommend Google Profits. My full review below will give you the details of why I prefer Google Profits to Google Cash.

I recently bought Google Profits from Wade Winger and I have to say that it is one of the best Google AdWords e-books out there. I especially like it because it focuses a lot on Google AdWords and Clickbank, which is pretty much what I do now.

Google Profits is a 69 page PDF ebook and one page quick start guide. Wade begins by explaining the basics like what is an affiliate program, what is clickbank, what is AdWords, and why AdWords and clickbank are such a powerful combination. Google Profits is a 5-step program that teaches you how to start making money with AdWords and clickbank. What I like about the book is how the process is divided into 5 logical steps that are very easy to follow.

Wade also gives you very specific details on, for example, what you need to do to determine whether to continue your campaign or try a new one, how to take your campaign to the next level, what other search engines you should consider. All in a logical step-by-step way. Many times they tell you to try one campaign and if you don’t get any sales, delete it and try another. How long should I test a campaign? How many clicks before throwing it into the trash? These questions are not answered in other books that I have read. Wade gives you very specific figures, like waiting for x number of clicks and throwing the campaign away if you haven’t made a sale. That kind of thing.

Even if you are a newbie and have never heard of AdWords or Clickbank before, Google Profits teaches you from how to sign up for Clickbank to how to get started running your Adwords campaign.

Benefits of Google vs Google Cash

Google Cash seems to have gotten a lot more publicity than Google Profits. Google Cash was one of the first AdWords related e-books I bought and at the time I thought it was pretty good. That was even before I started experimenting with AdWords. Google Cash provides you with a good foundation on what AdWords and affiliate marketing are all about. What I didn’t like was that Google Cash makes it sound a lot easier than it actually is. Google Profits offers a much more realistic view on how to make money from AdWords and affiliate marketing. Google Cash starts with an overview of what AdWords and affiliate marketing are all about. It also guides you through starting a campaign and choosing affiliate products. There are also examples of some of the campaigns in which the author has done very well. These examples gave me new ideas, but most of them were out of date and not entirely applicable due to Google’s new trademark rules.

In Google Profits, the best part of the book is where Wade shows you a real-life test campaign, what he does every day from the birth of the campaign until the last seventh day on which he makes good profits. Google Profits is NOT an ultra-advanced Google AdWords course, but rather a general step-by-step plan on how to make money with AdWords and Clickbank, and it does it very well. Highly recommended!