• school complaints
  • incomplete class work
  • arguing and fighting
  • Sibling rivalry and conflict
  • struggling with homework
  • Thumb sucking, nail biting, bedwetting.
  • Shy and lacking in self-confidence
  • Speech Problems.
  • Difficulty accepting family situations.

Familiar sounds! Does this remind you of your son? Well, there is nothing to be ashamed of; this is the situation in every home in the world. There is nothing new about it. But now at least you know a way to handle the situation positively without further stress, arguments, or conflict.

All you have to do is spend 5 minutes every day with your child while they sleep and gently whisper these affirming conversations in their ears. Always start by telling them that you love them very much and that you are always there for them.

Just as he’s drifting off to sleep, repeat one or two positive affirmations from the dream to suggest to his subconscious, adding his name so he knows it’s addressed to him. Whispers can echo something positive you noticed your child did or they can reflect a positive action or attitude about your child and you would like to see more.

You can choose suitable affirmative sleep talk quotes to address specific issues related to the situation you would like to address with your child and repeat it every day for at least 4 weeks until it becomes embedded in your thought process and accepted.

You’ll be amazed at the quick results, but don’t give up the 5 minute affirmative sleep talk after you see results in the first week. To make sure the positive behavior pattern is embedded in the system. You have to follow the practice of sleep talking regularly.

Only use positive sentences and always avoid negative words. For example, if you want your child to stop hitting other children or talking loudly.

Correct statement:

  • “Ryan always speaks softly.”
  • “Ryan is a kind and friendly boy.”

Incorrect statement:

  • Ryan doesn’t speak out loud.”
  • “Ryan doesn’t hit other kids.”

We, as parents, have a remarkable amount of influence and responsibility that we can use to help our children reach their full potential and become happy and successful people. Our children are a mold in our hands. Let’s use our love and methods like sleep talk in a positive way and encourage them to be happy, healthy, peaceful and successful in their lives. Let us fulfill the correct task of being parents.

Start using positive sleep talk with your children right away. We can help our children in more ways than we can understand. Share this with other parents or the teacher at school, so that she can share this method with other parents during parent-teacher conferences, so that children who need help can also benefit from Positive Sleep Talk.

Remember that there are no side effects; there is no way this could backfire or have negative effects on your children. The worst that can happen is NOTHING. So do it!