Do you feel that tingle of being able to be sneaky in your veins right now? No need to waste time brainstorming or browsing Pinterest. Gather your materials right away because here are forty clever ideas to satisfy that strong urge to cunning.

  1. Turn pop lashes into a bag.
  2. Put different colors of acrylic paint on your windshield to create a rainbow on the windshield.
  3. Make a lamp out of plastic spoons.
  4. Color and design completely white sneakers.
  5. Turn an old glove into a chipmunk.
  6. Dry thin slices of pineapple to create pineapple blossoms.
  7. Make roses out of maple leaves.
  8. Make wall art out of toilet paper rolls.
  9. Create cherry blossom art from the bottoms of soda bottles.
  10. Create a unique rose pendant for necklaces with melted plastic spoons.
  11. Turn tetra boxes into a beautiful lamp.
  12. Recycle a light bulb and turn it into a vase.
  13. Make a planter or candle holder out of cans and wooden clips.
  14. Repurpose old books into paper cups and saucers.
  15. Decorate a lamp base with cheap action figures.
  16. Create a lampshade with a ball and air-dry clay.
  17. Revive an old garden fence by painting it with flowers.
  18. Turn an old coffee table into a glow-in-the-dark world map.
  19. Create a mini cardboard kitchen for your toddler.
  20. Create your own origami bookmarks.
  21. Take your crochet skills to the next level by crocheting a panda.
  22. Encourage your child to read by painting her room with characters and scenes from fairy tales.
  23. Melt old crayons, put them in a mold in the shape of a lego man and dry them.
  24. Turn regular soap into little soap hearts.
  25. Create bunny napkin rings with toilet paper rolls and a little creative imagination.
  26. Make a photo wreath out of a wooden clothes pin.
  27. Turn broken skateboards into electric guitars.
  28. Build a Star Wars-inspired rocking horse.
  29. Repurpose CD cases into geometric glass terrariums.
  30. Create little keepsakes from pebbles and other things from nature.
  31. Recycle plastic bottles and turn them into a fairy tale castle.
  32. Turn your Siberian husky into a unicorn.
  33. Paint and style your old jeans.
  34. Recycle old shoes and turn them into artistic footwear.
  35. Create a fun video about planting potatoes or anything you can think of.
  36. Create a magazine about your girlfriend and for your girlfriend.
  37. Make toys with recycled materials with your children.
  38. Bake galaxy-inspired donuts.
  39. Collect stone alphabets and complete it.
  40. Learn about latte art.

That’s just forty creative ideas. But you can definitely think of much more. Your imagination is your limit.