Your guy can be the sweetest man you know. He never forgets anniversaries, and he always goes out of his way to take you on fancy dates. He even does your laundry for you and cooks for you from time to time. But let’s be real. You would break down if, despite all this, you saw him eyeing the next sexy lady that passed by. It’s normal for women who have been dating the same guy for a while to feel like their main challenge is keeping their guy hot just for them. Here’s how to keep your man wanting more, even after you’ve been together for a while.

Don’t believe the myth.
Time is not the enemy of spice in relationships. The myth says that as time passes, relationships become colder and less intimate. The myth goes further to say that men are particularly prone to getting tired of the same woman they are intimate with. Wrong. Men have as much potential as women to covet a long-term partner.

Say your name.
Your man loves his name. Cry when you are making love. Write him a note and use his name instead of your usual cutesy pet names. Men love to hear their names called out in a sexy way by their partners. He’s like an aphrodisiac: he brings out the animal in them.

Go easy on your daily drama.
You may think that he is the best listener and you can’t wait to tell him all day, but the truth is that men are not made to listen for more than 3 minutes. Therefore, it would be better to keep it on the sidelines. Doesn’t it add more spice to your relationship when he can ask you questions about what you had for lunch or how your dinner date with the girls went, instead of you blabbing away while watching TV?

Reach your sensual points in the most discreet way.
Reach for the car keys by putting your hands in the front or back pocket and as you take the keys, be sure to pat her leg as you take out your wish. Now how about this? Let your chest touch your arm lightly as you reach for the remote. You can also try gently rubbing your butt against his muzzle when you’re in a narrow elevator. Keywords are subtle and unobtrusive. Complete with that wide-eyed innocent look you pull off so well.

Mini makeovers go a long way.
Contrary to so much magazine advice you may have heard, it’s impossible to do a total makeover just to please your boyfriend. He’s been with you for a while, so he knows you inside and out. Small changes are what can drive you crazy. Choose highlights instead of a crop. Get your first bikini wax. Get yourself a salt scrub or get a tan. These little things can bring out the sex goddess in you and drive him crazy.

Don’t make fun of him.
Gushing is similar to the way you act when you see your favorite clothing line on super sale. It’s in no way appropriate when it comes to congratulating you, man. If you want to show your appreciation for small efforts from him, like putting the cap back on the toothpaste tube, just tell him you liked what he did and leave it at that. He won’t say much, but he’ll love how you stroke his ego so subtly.

He plays watch but you can’t play with other guys only when he is around.
Make sure your man knows that you are nice and lusty in the eyes of other guys. This only drives him even crazier because he’s going to want you so badly… for himself. Of course, there’s a difference between making him super jealous.

Don’t cross the line. The general rule of thumb is, let the other guy or guys make an effort for your attention, but don’t make an effort to return it. Your man needs to see that other guys are competition, but he has nothing to do with what you’re doing. You love him, and that’s all that matters. But he still won’t want anyone looking at his sex kitty.