Committing to getting in shape and staying that way can be a life-changing decision. A safe and reasonable exercise program leads to better energy levels, better alertness and mental function, and an overall sense of well-being and good health. Regular exercise can also help you maintain a healthy weight. What’s more, you don’t need to exercise vigorously. Fitness experts and medical authorities agree that exercising 3 times a week for about 30 minutes will have significant benefits. So, are you ready to get on that treadmill and get going? No treadmill? Here’s some information on one you might want to consider: the Precor C956.

Fitness treadmill: Key Features of the Precor C956

Exercising on a treadmill is an effective, but relatively low-impact, way to exercise. Most treadmills have padded platforms, so there is less strain on your muscles and joints. An exercise treadmill like the Precor C956 is a quality product that is built to withstand constant use in commercial settings, so this treadmill will perform perfectly in the privacy of your home. Priced at around £ 1850, the C956 is small in size which makes it perfect for homes where space is limited. Despite its size, this treadmill is powerful and smooth. One feature you are sure to appreciate is the touch-sensitive console that makes the C956 extremely easy to use. It also has an integrated water bottle holder, a small but important detail. Safety handrails ensure you’re safe, even when running on the treadmill.

Fitness treadmill: More about Precor C956

This top-notch fitness equipment features an industry-leading heart rate measurement and monitoring system from Polar. Exercising in the correct heart rate zone is essential to maximize the cardiovascular benefits of exercising on the C956. The machine also has pre-programmed workouts so you can start with minimal effort. There is an innovative impact control system called “Ground Effect” that provides a smooth and well cushioned running surface. The powerful motor is rated at 3.2 horsepower, so it will withstand even the heaviest use.

Fitness treadmill: Final thoughts on the Precor C956

If you’re looking for a quality gym workout on your treadmill, be sure to give the C856 a serious look. Programs include Aerobics, Cross Country, Fitness Test, Glutes, Goal, Heart Rate, Interval, Manual, Random, Track, and Weight Loss. The console displays time, distance, calories burned, speed, incline level, pace, METS, and calories burned per minute. The integrated heart rate monitor measures the pulse using an electrocardiogram and a telemetry receiver. An innovative heart rate monitoring program ensures that your training is safe and effective. The C956 has a top speed of 19.3 km / h and folds up comfortably when not in use. The incline ranges from 0% to 12%, so you will always be challenged. The maximum supported user weight is 181.8 kg.

The Precor C956 fitness treadmill can be an important ally in your quest to improve your health with a challenging but safe workout.