1. The aesthetics of the photographer

There are many different approaches to wedding photography. When browsing images from photographers that have caught your eye, ask yourself what you like about the images. Some photographers create very posed formal images, while others prefer a more spontaneous approach. You will also notice that some photographers use bright colors, while others have a duller palette in their images. Also, some photographers like their photos to look clear and airy, while others prefer to create images with lots of dark tones. What style do you prefer? The reason this is important to think about when looking at wedding photographers is that while it is good to discuss your preferences and tastes with prospective photographers, it is not advisable to ask a photographer to completely change their style for your wedding. . Instead, it’s best to choose someone who has images on their website that resemble what you would like your wedding to be. So, for example, if you like a lot of candid photos, make sure the photographers you choose to meet with include a lot of those images in their portfolios.

2. Customer service

How quickly does the photographer respond to your emails and phone calls? Does he take the time to listen to you and understand what you are looking for in your wedding photos? Planning the photography side of your wedding is a complicated process that requires careful attention to detail to ensure proper scheduling and execution. You want to make sure you have a photographer that you can reach by email and by phone, who will get back to you as soon as possible.

3. Personality

I definitely recommend meeting with your photographer in person before the wedding if possible. If not, ask if you can at least arrange a Skype call for virtual face-to-face talk. You want to make sure you enjoy this person’s company! This is someone who will probably be with you from when you get ready in the morning until the last song at the end of the night. If you are not comfortable with him or her now, chances are you will not be comfortable on your wedding day either. In my opinion, a good wedding photographer has a sense of humor, smiles a lot, cares deeply about you and your fiancĂ©’s needs, and loves what he does so much that it radiates through his pores. How you feel for your photographer, believe it or not, will show up in your photos, so pick someone to have fun with on your big day.

4. Deliverables

What are you really getting from the photographer? It can be overwhelming to compare different packages and add-ons. Prices can vary greatly. It can also be challenging to decide what you want. For most couples, I recommend having a copy of the digital files, a small selection of prints, and an album. At my own wedding I ordered too many copies and two years later I still haven’t figured out what to do with all of them since I only framed three, but I show my wedding album to everyone who comes to my house to visit me. I recommend telling the photographer what you are looking for in terms of albums, prints, and digital files, even if it is different from what is on your package list. It’s also good to check and see what the digital files will be. Will they all be corrected and enhanced in color, or will you only receive digital proofs and have to pay additional fees for post-processing?

5. Trust your instincts

Last but not least, your instincts will usually lead you in the right direction. A wedding is a matter of the heart, so don’t forget to include it in the decision process!