Cocaine At Home

Learning how to make cocaine at home is surprisingly easy, although it will not be a walk in the park. With a small amount of common sense and the right equipment, you too can start manufacturing your own cocaine right from your very own home. How to make cocaine is a relatively recent phenomenon, but the fact remains that it is one of the most popular drugs on the planet. Cocaine has gained a reputation as being extremely powerful, and many people desire a rush every time they use it.

So, how to make cocaine with a home made mixture sounds good, but what exactly is involved? You may be surprised to know that it is actually very simple. The basic process is quite easy to execute and does not require sophisticated equipment. So if you are wondering how to make cocaine at home and have no experience with chemical synthesis, here is how it works.

The first step is to get hold of some pure cocaine. This must be from a dealer, because you need the real thing. Next you must mix the powder into a small container, so that it looks like a liquid.

It is imperative that you do this very slowly. If you hurry the mixture, it can cause the water to evaporate, and the result will be a chemical mess. Next, you must add the sugar. Sugar is the key ingredient in how to make cocaine with a home made mixture. This chemical is going to produce heat, and the more sugar you can add at once, the hotter it will get.

How To Make Cocaine At Home

Next you must heat the sugar and then add it into the bottle. Mix it up until the sugar dissolves in the bottle. Now it is time to add the cocaine. This mixture is going to produce a very strong drug.

When you have all of this together, it is time to cook the mixture. You can put this into a small warm bowl and heat it up. When it gets hot, you take it out of the burner and break it into small pieces. Then all you have to do is mix them together and then enjoy your how to make cocaine with a home made recipe!

If you are worried that making this drug might be dangerous, it is absolutely not. It can be made with only the use of a few common items that you can buy just about anywhere. You do not have to know anything about chemistry at all. These ingredients are also cheap and easy to get.

I would suggest learning how to make cocaine with a home made recipe as a way to learn how to make it safely. The ingredients can be found just about anywhere, and they are not expensive at all. As long as you follow the directions carefully, you have nothing to worry about. So what are you waiting for? Get started right away.