We all want a flawless complexion, and we often resort to the use of makeup base to cover the true state of our skin. Many of us have experienced some kind of skin problem, and whether it’s a blemish, pigmentation, sunburn, hormonal changes, or acne scars, these changes can sometimes make us feel self-conscious and embarrassed.

Chemical peel treatment

Chemical peels are great for removing older and damaged outer cell layers, improving skin quality, revealing clearer, brighter and smoother skin.


Liver spots, mottled brown spots, and large freckles on the face, chest, and hands affect millions of women. Liver spots occur due to damage caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun, and the best way to prevent this from happening is by using a high factor sunscreen on exposed skin from an early age.

Pigmentation is the color of a person’s skin. Healthy skin will have a normal color, but the color may change due to disease or injury and become darker (hyperpigmentation) or lighter (hypopigmentation) In some women, higher levels of hormones during pregnancy can cause darkening of the skin on the upper lip, nose, cheeks and forehead, and can also occur when taking the contraceptive pill.

  • Sun damage contributes to uneven skin texture, and sun exposure will cause collagen and elastin to break down, and it is these that give a smooth texture and elasticity.

  • Smoking also causes damage to collagen and elastin, which contributes to rough, prematurely aged skin.

  • Aging can cause uneven skin texture, because cells on the skin’s surface do not shed as quickly.

  • Dead cells can build up, leaving your skin rough and looking dull.

  • A dull and tired complexion occurs when the skin does not receive enough oxygen and blood, which makes the face appear dull and tired.

  • Chemical peels offer deep exfoliation, stimulating the production of new collagen.

These unique non-invasive peels can give dramatic results for:

  • Lifeless skin

  • Skin aging

  • Sun damaged skin

  • Uneven pigmentation

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Active acne

Microdermabrasion treatment

Microdermabrasion treats uneven skin tone. The treatment promotes the growth of new skin and collagen, which thickens the dermis and improves resistance to the effect of aging, and is popularly used for the face, neck, chest, and hands. Microdermabrasion is not only a great treatment for normal skin, but it also treats premature aging caused by sun damage, fine lines, dry skin, acne, minor scars, and sun spots.

Microdermabrasion improves:

  • Uneven and blotchy skin tones

  • Lifeless skin

  • Enlarged pores / blemishes

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Sun damaged skin / age spots

  • Acne scars

  • Pimples and white heads