When you are looking for a job, in addition to looking at advertisements in newspapers and specialized job search engines on the Internet, you should also ask people on your network’s contact list for information.

Your personal contacts can provide you with up-to-date information about the company and job openings that are not advertised in the usual job market. Sometimes when they don’t provide information about the job listing you are looking for, your contacts may refer you to someone else who could provide the information you are looking for about the industry, company, or position of interest.

This is an example of what networking is. Networking is when you start to approach your contact list to get the necessary information or referrals from your friends’ network of contacts. Many people dislike the idea of ​​networking. Some critics of networking believe that it is not a reliable source of information about industry, companies, or job openings. Others say it’s easier to stick with traditional job market advertisements than to rely on the network for the information we need as part of our job search efforts.

You may not have noticed it, but you are already networking on a daily basis and you just don’t know it. As you go about your daily tasks, you interact with the people you meet; the hairdresser, the bank manager, your neighbors, your friends and family, your current and former co-workers, fellow students and other acquaintances. All these people, who can be a potential source of information, leads and contacts for a position if they are interested. To make your overall networking process easier, here are some basic but important tips:

  • Make a list of your “warm contacts”

Well, Walt Disney once said that “it all starts with a mouse.” It’s about networking, it all starts with a list. We call this list a warm contact list, as it includes people you know who will assist you without much hesitation or will contact you because they know who you are. For some people, this may seem like a scary step, so as you become more comfortable with the process, start with your closest family and friends, and then expand your list to include other acquaintances. Remember that a warm contact list includes people who know you and who you interact with, compared to a cold contact list that includes people you haven’t had any contact with for a while.

  • Contact people on your network list

When you reach out to a contact on your networking list, warm contact, let them know that you are actively looking for work. Be honest about the type of job you are looking for and ask if they know of any open positions in your area of ​​interest. By letting your contacts know your preference for job type, industry and companies of interest, you will allow them to help them provide you with quality information, references or contacts. It is very important to share your contact information with your network, so that they can reach you in case they find out about something. It has been my personal experience that some of my network contacts even asked me for a copy of my resume so they can pass it along to their network of contacts, so have an up-to-date resume ready if requested.

  • Take a self-assessment before communicating with your network

As you go through the process of contacting your network, they may want to know more about your experience, skill, expectations, and job preferences to better assist you. You should be able to provide this information concisely and describe what type of information you want your contact to provide.

Many hiring and human resources professionals suggest that you prepare a short script that you can practice with. They call this script the “elevator pitch” or “two-minute speech,” where you can articulate your job expectations and preferences, relevant experience, and skills in about two minutes. In case a more detailed conversation is needed, a short follow-up meeting or call may be needed to go over your resume.

  • Ask your network contacts for referrals

In the event that the person you are contacting cannot provide you with the information you need for your job search efforts, you can request information from at least two people who can help you. Ask if your contact could send a call introduction note before calling or emailing the referral.

  • When referred, act on your referrals immediately

When they refer you to someone else, your contact may contact you to introduce it and let them know that you will be reaching out to them. So stay in touch with your network to find out when is a good time to move within a few days of being referred.

When calling the recommended person, keep proper business etiquette. When you make the call, introduce yourself and let the person who referred you know and how you relate to your contact. Be direct, but polite, when sharing information that interests you with the person.

Sometimes the person you were referred to might call your contact after your call. So it’s a good idea to call your contact to share how the call went and, more importantly, thank them for the referral.

  • Always be available to add value to your network

This is a crucial point. Networking is a two-way street when it comes to adding value to each other. As you help your network, your people will be more willing to help you by providing information and referrals, when the time comes.

As you gain experience through practice, you will discover that networking is not a dark science, but an interesting, fun, and rewarding experience for your “team.” It’s also one of the most important tools when it comes to taking your career improvement and overall job search strategies to the next level.