When trying to brainstorm content ideas for your niche, you can use a few content basics that will work for literally any niche. Once you have these 9 ideas, you can break them down into individual bullet points for blog posts, podcasts, videos, ebooks, and more.

1. Make a list of good points

Every niche has some good points that make people feel good. You can write 7 amazing things about XYZ and it always fits. For example, 7 amazing things about eating vegetables.

2. Make a list of negative points

Just like good points will work, you can turn it around and write the opposite. Using our vegan idea from above, assuming your niche is a vegan blog, you can turn it into 7 reasons why you don’t want to eat vegetables – then turn it into a fun article that says things like “You hate being healthy” etc.

3. Ask (and answer) a question

This is a great way to brainstorm ideas for creating content. You can use questions that you’ve actually been asked directly, or you can search for questions on any website, blog, forum, or social network that you’ve seen within your niche.

4. Make a list of facts

This can work really well for content ideas, as there will actually be more than seven or ten facts about your niche. You can literally do this trick as often as you can with a list of facts regarding your niche.

5. Make a list of misconceptions

Just like there are facts, there are almost always misconceptions about your niche. Perhaps you host a niche website or blog on the subject of bird watching. You can write many articles or create many YouTube videos addressing misconceptions about various breeds of birds or even misconceptions about equipment used in birding.

6. Give the best advice for solutions

For each niche there are various problems with corresponding solutions that you are likely offering to the audience. You can use this fact to help create content focused on the best solutions and the best tips for using the solutions correctly.

7. Give the worst advice for solutions

On the contrary, there are always some solutions that don’t work or are a bad idea. Why not write about the bad ideas, the bad solutions, and the answers that don’t work, and then turn it around to offer your own solution after talking about what’s wrong with the other ideas?

8. Count the 3 best initial ideas

In any niche there is a very basic principle to keep in mind. Starting from the beginning is often forgotten because it seems very elementary, but for someone who is new to the niche it will not seem like a trifle, it will seem super interesting and important.

9. Be controversial

Sometimes being controversial is a great way to get more ideas for content. You can find a blog post that was discussed by influencers and say why you agree or disagree. You can connect some content with current events. For example, if you have a diet website or blog, you can talk about a famous person’s weight problems and give advice even if you don’t even know them.