If you ask any Chihuahua owner, they will tell you that these dogs are the cutest puppies in the world when they are young. There’s something about the tiny body, the beady eyes, and the way they can be so shy one moment and so feisty the next. In this article, you’ll discover how to find a Chihuahua puppy, how to choose the right one for you, how to care for it, and what supplies you’ll need to help your puppy lead a healthy and happy life.

find a chihuahua puppy

There are different options for people who want to buy a Chihuahua puppy. They must decide why they want such a dog. The next decision is to buy from a breeder or an animal rescue center. If you are interested in entering dog shows or competitions, you should buy from a breeder who specializes in chihuahua puppies. If you just want a wonderful companion, go to a rescue center and adopt an abandoned dog.

A Chihuahua breeder will charge a hefty amount for puppies, especially if they are pedigrees. In exchange for that money, you will have a chihuahua puppy that is not susceptible to genetically related diseases and has the genetic potential to win in dog competitions. The breeder will most likely interview you and ask you a lot of questions to determine if you are the right person for the dog you are buying. Good breeders will want to know that their animals are going to a home that cares for them.

If you choose to go to a rescue center, you should know that many Chihuahua puppies are locked up for abuse or neglect. If the dogs are not adopted or rescued, they will most likely be put to sleep. This makes adoption or rescue a great service to the Chihuahua breed and adoption/rescue can be a great way to find a new best friend. In addition, the rates are much lower than those of a breeder.

When it comes to choosing the right pup for you, this can be done simply by watching him interact with other dogs. If he seems playful and curious and likes to be touched, he’s probably the right choice.

How to take care of the chihuahua puppy

The most important thing they need is love. Chihuahuas are very social animals. They are loyal companions throughout their lives. They are very protective, too.

You will need a collar, a leash and two bowls, for water and food. Add to the list some bathroom and grooming supplies, a kennel, and a litter box. Above all, they need your love and attention in order to grow into healthy adults. Chihuahuas will give you loyalty and love, but they will not take over your house or eat you outside the house and home. That is what makes chihuahua puppies such a welcome addition to your life.