Pornography is quite influential on the Internet. Do not you believe it? Then you haven’t been online long enough.

Watching porn lowers your life value. Erode your morale. Burn your sense of decency around love/courtship like a glow stick to a firecracker. It animalizes you, if that’s a word, but now it is, and makes you feel that women are objects designed solely to provide sexual pleasure for men. It never makes you see the opposite sex as you used to. Compare the way you were before you were first introduced to porn to the way you are now, having experienced everything you have experienced. I, in fact, know that I am not as light and innocent as I used to be, before they lent me adult magazines. And no, I don’t think that’s part of becoming an adult. Unless you’re terribly misinformed.

Porn is like a black hole: once you’re inside, you get sucked in more and more, realizing that it has virtually no limits. A good way to find out is to turn off a search engine’s search filter and search for porn in general: clicking on the links on the first page usually brings you to a few websites containing dozens of thumb-sized porn pictures. Each of those links takes you to another porn site, often in the same format you are on. However, the theme increases, which means that you get more “quality” than you did at the beginning. What is worrying is that, starting from a niche like teen porn, for example, these sub-layers of porn sites lurking below the surface can seem to show teen actresses getting younger and younger. It doesn’t take long before you come across a picture where you realize that the actress is younger than a teenager! To the perverted and pedophile mind, therefore, some forms of child pornography are publicly available, and much more accessible than people think! Live! We’ve done a section on mainstream crime!

Porn consumption increases your tolerance for more porn of higher intensity, which in turn increases your level of acceptance of anything kinky, like bestiality, etc. You become a pawn of the provider, susceptible to ANYTHING it sees fit to show you. His individual ability to control himself is sacrificed more and more with each visit. Porn sites are also often infamous havens for Trojans, viruses, and all the other stuff that gives your firewall a headache. However, there is no point in prosecuting anyone, as most providers only let the cat out of the bag, if you have consented to them serving adult content and you are of legal age. Blaming them for any damage caused by immorality is like complaining to a weapons manufacturer for developing a weapon you just bought, for being able to kill someone!

Pornography is highly addictive. Many people who use it don’t even realize they are addicted. Porn ruins quality of life/interaction skills with the opposite sex. Something as simple and pleasant as a date becomes… Houston, we have a problem. Abort! Abort!

Watching too much porn for longer periods confuses your sexuality: It’s not exactly normal to see naked members of your gender in your life, at regular intervals. For example, one boy at most sees another naked boy or naked boys when they shower together in a locker room, as part of a sports team. Or when you go to a public pool and change or shower there. Basically, there aren’t many guys who see other guys naked. I guess that goes for girls too, but feel free to prove me wrong. A lot of regular porn introduces and maintains an artificially high amount of same-sex nudity into your consciousness. The result? You become insensitive much more than otherwise, tending to see sexual practices in your sex as normal. If you’re not straight, I guess watching porn just reinforces your sexuality. In stating this, I am not accusing any sexuality of being good or bad. However, if you are unsure about your heterosexuality, viewing porn may not be a good idea in general. But follow yourself!

Porn creates unrealistic expectations about love and sex: Simply put, men think they have to have a Vin Diesel complexion to have sex, and women think being like Angelina Jolie brings all the action. Thanks porn!

Most porn is aimed at men. A large part of the porn directed at men is degrading to women.

People are different, but in my experience, women see foreplay as an integral part of lovemaking. However, recognizing how much the world has gone to the dogs, I agree that such a stance can be seen as subjective.

Men who watch porn for long periods of time become unable to consider women as equal human beings simply because they think of them because of their vagina. In this case, it is common to reflect on what sexual benefit a woman could provide, on a regular basis, than to focus on the opposite.

The last point is a strong factor of sexual violence and violations against women throughout the world. It is often said that it is the last stop before committing sexual crimes.

Another big lie that conditions its many clients is that orgasm is the most important part of sex.

This is not true.

The point before the previous one destroys the sexual life of many women because it leaves them sexually unsatisfied. Men, by nature, ejaculate faster than women. I’ll say average, but I don’t think there’s anything to be ashamed of, so I don’t see any reason for my ego to kick in.

Women love sex as much as men. Unofficially, it is believed that they enjoy it even more… I wouldn’t mind having multiple orgasms. Porn conditions men who watch porn to have sex geared toward male satisfaction.

Sex is an interaction, not a service.

The penultimate point offers a panorama of opportunity: men can seek and get away with it because it allows them to degenerate and treat women like dirt, in an almost innumerable variety of ways.

Do not get me started.

For fear of a resurrection of SOPA, PIPA and ACTA, I will not name any studios because they have a lot of money and they can shut me down.

But they are out there.

And I watch them.

And this is what compelled me to publish this article. I believe that women should be treated with respect and not become mindless, abused, submissive animals during sex. By the way, I like some of the porn stars. Stunning women! I’m not going to name them either because they also have a lot of money and could sue me.

Or just join the studios and shut me down.

But I like them anyway. I see them as humans.

Non-recyclable garbage bags that everyone can use.

Get it?

Yes, women have their desires, which usually have to be fulfilled if you want to achieve them, but in general, a rather disturbing point is PORN-PATTERNS DEGENERATED PORN, WHICH MOST OF THE TIME ARE MEN, TO SEE AND TREAT WOMEN WOMEN LIKE GARBAGE THAT ARE ONLY GOOD TO TAKE IT DOWN.

Why do I keep saying rubbish?

Perhaps because porn sees and treats women as such. Here are some recommendations:

The 8mm film starring Nicolas Cage is an excellent example of the porn industry, albeit with a certain layer hidden from the (ironic) audience, which thrives. Notice how his character becomes increasingly disturbed by what he finds.

Snuff movies exist and make the Internet a crime scene.

Imagine being murdered live, or raped live, or raped then murdered, live!

Do you think I’m sick? That sentiment doesn’t even begin to describe a fraction of a percent of the total, twisted, insane, rotten, super dark quality of that industry itself.

So I don’t care because you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Or thinking.

Don’t shoot the messenger.

I don’t even know what I’m talking about…or writing, I’ve never seen a snuff movie before. I wouldn’t know where to look, they are very ‘privileged’ things.

And porn is part of that, even if they are not aware of it.

So the next time you take one out, be aware of what you’re taking out. A lot of purely crazy stuff is part of the machinery that drives this very, very big global multi-billion dollar industry. Like the Titanic and the tip of the iceberg: There is more than meets the eye!

PS: I speak of gray areas because it is not enough. By choosing not to, gray areas fester and persist in our existence, eventually becoming inherent facets of our societies, if they haven’t already. Then talk!