Help desk outsourcing for customer service or technical support

is an option for many companies, including those on the Internet,

who have limited staff or want to provide service and support

twenty-four hours a day.

Small businesses or home-based businesses that have a

number of employees or no employee has special

challenges in meeting the needs of your customers and


Complications are compounded when the nature of the business

is one where customers expect immediate service and sometimes

even round the clock service, including weekends and holidays.

A small business operator can literally drive erratically

trying to meet the demand with limited resources. For business

Like these, help desk outsourcing can save your life.

Large companies can also benefit from outsourcing the help desk to the

outsourcing of sales, service and technical support.

Outsourcing these functions to call centers is a growing trend

among large companies.

The main advantage for them is a significant reduction in overhead costs.

expenses as they pay the outsourced company a contract

amount and we are not responsible for personnel expenses such as

payroll taxes, workers’ compensation insurance and employees

benefits for call center employees who provide their

sales, service and support functions.

Businesses also save on the cost of equipment, software, and

Ongoing maintenance expenses associated with help desk services.

As the call center industry grows, competition increases

which is good for both large and small businesses because

Competition reduces costs to the consumer of

standardized services offered through call centers.

Advanced technologies have also improved the quality of service

that can be done through outsourcing the help desk.

As with any pop-up service option that has great benefits

For small and large companies, there are some disadvantages to

outsourcing of sales, service and support activities.

For example, when a company contracts its service functions,

the service provided is out of your hands; they trust

the service provider with its sales, service and support

functions that directly impact the level of

satisfaction and, relatively, the reputation of the company.

As a result, the quality of service may decrease the

outsource more of a load than a benefit.

When hiring outsourced services, executives must

sure that there are clauses in the contract that allow them

terminating the contract is the service provided to your

customers is lacking.

Policies and procedures should also be considered

on the training of the help desk staff.

The company that outsources its service functions must

make sure the outsourcing representatives

The service provider is properly trained to fulfill

expectations and that the training given to

The representatives are effectively transferred to the help desk staff.

which is actually providing the sales, service and

customer support.

Before making the critical decision on whether or not you should

outsource help desk activities, an initial help desk analysis

support processes, expected service levels, customer expectations

and the costs of outsourcing must be borne.

Training systems should be developed to ensure that your

expectations of the company regarding the quality of the service, the policies and

procedures are clearly passed on to the external provider.

Continuous monitoring of customer satisfaction is also necessary, so

which can determine whether the third-party provider

you have selected is to meet the needs of your customers in accordance with

their expectations and their quality standards in service.

With proper attention to these variables, it is likely that

to find that help desk outsourcing is a viable option for your

deal. Truly, the decision to outsource may be the best

or the worst decision you’ve ever made.