In this day of digital downloads, YouTube and music sharing, it seems that the album (or “LP”) has gone the way of the dinosaur. Music fans are simply scanning websites, choosing their song selections, and moving on to the next site before they get a chance to hear the tune they just downloaded. This revolutionary approach to sourcing music has replaced the days of music fans buying an album of ten to fourteen songs by a given artist and discovering musical “gems” hidden somewhere in those tracks in the process. “Mr. Disappointment”, from Neil Young’s 2002 release You’re passionate? It is one of these buried treasures.

Canadian singer-songwriter Neil Young made his initial appearance with the bands Buffalo Springfield and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Since breaking out as a solo artist, Young has made musical explorations into swing, electronic music, 1950s style, and grunge (to name a few). Young’s 26th studio album You’re passionate? It represents his foray into soul music with Booker T and the MGs, as well as Young’s band Crazy Horse. While many of the tracks are soul-inspired, the tune “Mr. Disappointment” jumps out of the collection as a Neil Young classic.

“Mr. Disappointment” opens with Bob Dylan’s slow 2/4-tempo wing on his recent work (ie “Mississippi,” “Shooting Star”). This rhythmic, rhythmic “pocket” is the perfect canvas for Neil’s smooth, grunge music. inspired by the electric guitar intro that we later learn is the song’s chorus melody. But what is truly captivating is Young’s vocal approach. Again, he’s very reminiscent of late Dylan, as the song’s verses are essentially spoken rather than sung. The first line sets the mood and tone of the song: “Where did all the feelings go? What about that happy glow? Was it so long ago, when we first fell in love? I didn’t feel the change, everything was still.” the same. And when that time came, I didn’t know.”

In the chorus, Young switches from the spoken word to his characteristic high, nasal, tenor voice and sadly sings, “I’d like to shake your hand, Disappointment. Looks like you’ve won again, but this time could be the last… .”

The song moves between verse and chorus, juxtaposing the spoken word with Young’s singing and, in between, Young’s ripping Les Paul-tuned guitar riffs. His guitar solo three-quarters of the way through is as beautiful as any solo Young has ever played.

From a songwriter’s point of view, Neil Young’s “Mr. Disappointment” ranks among the most compelling and honest songs in Young’s catalogue. However, it is Young’s interpretation of this tune that makes it completely unforgettable. Browse to his favorite music website and check it out for him. But bring the Kleenex.