It’s the ultimate fitness mantra for many celebrities. Peoplewear for its benefits. So what’s all this hype about? The alkaline diet, also known as the acid ash diet, is known to be a natural diet. It can promote weight loss and some claim that the diet can even prevent cancer. Works? Below are some of the things you need to know.

The pros and cons:

Let’s start by saying that the alkaline diet is completely natural, and therefore surely better than some of the fad diets we all know. If you follow this diet, your meals will be based exclusively on fruits, vegetables, and soy products. Some nuts, seeds, and lentils are allowed, while most common grains, dairy products, eggs, and poultry should be omitted. Red meat is also prohibited on the list. Fortunately, there are a fair number of reliable cookbooks that can be helpful. Also, most diet books suggest avoiding alcohol and caffeine. This is also a gluten-free diet, so wheat is not allowed, but keep an eye on labels because many packaged foods have gluten. You can also include vitamin-enriched water or alkaline water in your plan.

Will you lose weight?

Yes, you will lose weight in a healthy way on the alkaline diet, simply because the diet is clean and free of processed foods, carbohydrates and gluten. However, you need to understand that the process of losing weight is not due to the claimed reason. The alkaline diet says that eating food and drinking beverages can change your body’s pH score, which is not true. Human blood is slightly alkaline, while the stomach is highly acidic. This is because the acids in the stomach help digest food. However, nothing you eat can greatly affect the pH of your blood. If weight loss is your only motto, the alkaline diet is a good place to start, but don’t expect miracles.

Other points to keep in mind:

Many critics have spoken of the lack of focus on exercise. In fact, the alkaline diet says nothing about exercise. For comprehensive and sustainable weight loss and other health benefits, an active lifestyle is just as important. Researchers aren’t sure about the long list of other claims made, either, although limited studies have shown some positive results regarding consumption of low-acid foods and beverages. It is also important to understand that this is not some kind of miracle diet. It would require considerable effort, and most of the foods you are used to should be avoided entirely. If you’re someone who has survived on burgers, bacon, and English breakfasts, you should give some thought before considering diet. However, you can always try one of the manuals or cookbooks for more information on how to cook alkaline meals at home, which can save you money.

Check online now to find more information on the alkaline diet, and if you have any chronic health conditions, see your doctor first.