What is a herniated disc?

People suffering from back pain, leg pain, excessive leg weakness, and abnormal lower extremity functions are often diagnosed with a herniated disc. The question is: exactly what? is a herniated disc, and how do you determine if this is causing the symptoms?

An intervertebral disc is made up of an outer annulus fibrosus and a central soft part. The disc itself receives nutrition through the movement of the vertebrae above and below it that move and “squash” blood and fluids through the disc. If this movement does not occur, the outer ring can dry out and tear, allowing the soft part of the disc to protrude. This is what is commonly known as a herniated disc. (Also called herniated disc, bulging disc, bulging disc, etc.)

Not all herniated discs cause pain or discomfort. When the lump puts pressure on the exiting spinal nerve, pain or an inflammatory reaction will occur. Therefore, it is very important to have a complete understanding of what is causing the pain.

What is subluxation?

Another important term to understand in diagnosing a herniated disc is subluxation Subluxation is when one or more of the bones of the spine (vertebrae) slip out of position. The result can be a herniated disc. If this creates pressure on the spinal nerves, problems will result. This pressure or irritation on the nerves causes the nerves to malfunction and interferes with the signals that travel down those nerves.

Symptoms may be one or more of the following:
Pain that spreads through the buttocks, down the back of one thigh, and into the calf
The pain can be in one leg (most common) or in both legs
Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs or feet
Numbness, tingling, or weakness in one or both arms
In severe cases, inability to find comfort even lying down
Sudden pain or a crooked neck that cannot be straightened without severe pain
Bowel or bladder changes and/or numbness in the muzzle


Treatments for a hernia can range from physical therapy to anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone injections, and surgery. Since back surgery is extremely invasive, and since surgery is not always completely successful in correcting the problem, it would be wise to first seek the services of a chiropractic physician. Before resorting to a surgical approach, it makes sense to try a more conservative procedure.

A doctor of chiropractic is trained to locate subluxations and reduce or correct them. This can be accomplished through a series of chiropractic adjustments designed to correct vertebral subluxations of the spine. Chiropractors are the only professionals who undergo years of training to become experts in subluxation correction. There are methods to decompress the vertebrae that allow the disc the ability to heal itself.

early diagnosis

Keep in mind that few treatments, even chiropractic treatment, can make up for years of abuse and neglect of spinal health that many people endure. Poor nutrition, poor posture, lack of proper exercise, and even incorrect lifting methods are some of the many ways the spine is abused.

Early diagnosis and conservative treatment is the best way to begin to correct the pain suffered by a herniated disc. And the chiropractic approach is a great first choice for long-term pain relief and a healthier spine in the future!