One of my biggest marketing annoyances is the inability of entrepreneurs to step out of their comfort zone. I consult and write sales copy for business owners around the world.

We have been able to grow their businesses into millions of dollars.

They have realized significant benefits in very short periods of time.

However, I still have problems with certain entrepreneurs.

They hire me to help, but they don’t want to try anything new.

“That’s not like the usual email I send! My clients won’t like it”


“I don’t think that works, it’s a very different sound than what you usually hear”


“That won’t work in my business.”

I’ve heard it all… and I fight everyone.

Listens: if you hire a person whose entire business depends on making money from other entrepreneurs. A person who gets paid for performance (not awards won for the creative approach he took), don’t you think maybe, just maybe, you want to try some original ideas?

I realize that entrepreneurs have a lot to protect… our businesses are much like our children. We feed and nurture them, many entrepreneurs spend much more time with their businesses than with their actual family!

But there comes a time when you just have to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.

What if (SURPRISE!) it really works?

What if the new approach really did make you ten times more sales than anything else you’ve done in the last 5 years?

What if your customers LOVE the new found passion in your copy?

This is not only possible, it happens ALL THE TIME.

For example: I have a client who sells custom made Amish furniture. As you know, the Amish are very traditional, very private, and risk is not in their vocabulary.

He wanted to try a new approach to an ad campaign…something very different from what they had used in the past.

And they left me!

Lo and behold, it worked!

The day it hit the newsstands… they were inundated with sales.

Very expensive sales.

In a recession.

In a little town.

Sales they never would have had if they hadn’t stretched their comfort zone and tried something a little more outrageous.


Tired of playing it safe?

Then try something so different that you feel sick to your stomach.

So you’re probably onto something that could work.

Surprise yourself by doing something that you would love others to do, but are afraid to do yourself.

Then let me know the results… you might like them!


PS: One last thing… you didn’t start a business by staying in your comfort zone!

Having a job is much more comfortable for most people than going out alone without getting paid.

Without security.

No like-minded people you can talk to on a daily basis.

Running a business is as risky as it sounds… just look at the numbers.

So once your business is up and running and making money, why stop trying?

You only got there by stretching to the breaking point… and the only way to get to the next level is to KEEP stretching in whole new ways.

So, what are you waiting for?