If you only have room for a few cookbooks in your kitchen, here are some classic cookbooks to consider.

Fannie Farmer’s Cookbook Tea Fannie Farmer’s Cookbook, still in print more than a century after its first publication in 1896, it was originally titled The Boston Cookery School Cookbook. The Farmer’s Cookbook was a follow-up to the Boston Cookbook published by Mary J. Lincoln in 1884. Farmer had been a student at Boston Cooking School and eventually became principal of the school. His cookbook became very popular and has been regularly reprinted, revised, and updated for decades. Fanny Farmer’s cookbook was the first to attempt to standardize measurements in recipes. The recipes have clear and simple instructions. It remains a cookbook classic that cooks return to time and time again for over 1,000 recipes. If you’re looking for a basic yet comprehensive cookbook, this is one for your bookshelf. Aspiring chefs will love it Fannie Farmer’s Cookbook.

The joy of cooking, first published by Irma Rombauer in 1931, it is still the Bible of many cooks today. Rombauer initially self-published his cookbook. Several years later, an editor picked it up, and over the decades The joy of cooking it has had several revisions and editions. Millions of copies have been sold. First published during the Depression, Rombauer’s cookbook remains a comprehensive and widely-consulted guide for American cooks.

Betty Crocker Picture Cookbook was first published by General Mills in 1950, and is now known as the Betty Crocker Cookbook. Betty’s Cookbook, now in its 10th edition, has sold many millions of copies. This classic cookbook is packed with instructions, troubleshooting, and helpful charts. It’s a great beginner cookbook and will remain a favorite in your collection for years to come. Not for illusions, but there has never been a Betty Crocker. It was invented by Washburn-Crosby Co., a Gold Medal Flour producer and flour mill company, around 1920. Washburn-Crosby eventually became General Mills and Betty Crocker only grew in popularity. Several recipe booklets and brochures with Betty Crocker as the “author” were published in the years before and after Betty Crocker Picture Cookbook was published for the first time.

Mastering the art of French cooking Julia Child, who lived with her husband Paul in Paris after World War II, studied at the Cordon Bleu cooking school. With her classmates, Simone Beck and Louisette Bertholle, she wrote the two-volume cookbook, Mastering the art of French cooking, first published in 1961. The cookbook, which attempted to adapt French cuisine for American cooks, immediately became a best-seller. Julia Child’s reputation grew, as did cookbook sales, with her popular public television cooking show that debuted in 1963. Americans’ culinary and culinary horizons were permanently expanded thanks to Julia Child.

Laurel’s Kitchen First published in 1976, Laurel’s Kitchen was the first vegetarian cookbook for many vegetarians. The cookbook Laurel’s Kitchen: Vegetarian Cooking and Nutrition Handbook, contained tips on how to live the good life, as well as many vegetarian recipes. The cookbook contributed to the growing popularity of vegetarianism and sold more than a million copies.

The Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen was published in 1978. Katzen was one of the founders of Moosewood Restaurant, a vegetarian restaurant in Ithaca, New York. The Moosewood Cookbook became one of the most popular and influential vegetarian cookbooks. The cookbook, hand drawn and illustrated by Katzen, is a classic loved by many.

All of these cookbook classics predate the current era of cookery shows, foodies, and celebrity chefs. Each contributed to our growing and changing passion for food in all its variety. Each of these cookbooks deserves a shelf space in your kitchen.