Are you looking for great Christmas fundraising ideas to make money? Well look no further. The following are winning ideas for your Christmas fundraiser. When exploring any fundraising idea, be sure to look for hidden costs that reduce your profits.

Host a Christmas bake sale. This is something that everyone can participate in, including children. Bake Christmas cookies and sell them in packages of five cookies. Save money and use pre-made cookie dough. This also saves you time since you don’t have to collect and mix the ingredients. Children love to help bake cookies. Selling them is fun too!

Another popular food at Christmas is fruitcake. Everyone uses “secret” ingredients in their cakes. Have a fruitcake contest. Have twenty people bake their pies. Charge a reasonable admission fee. Community members taste the various tastes and rank them. Have prizes donated for the first three winners.

Don’t forget the Christmas sweets. This is something that children can do. Get a box of candy for a fundraiser and attach little Christmas bows to the candy bars. Let the kids sell them to family and friends. Stores can help sell them. Give stores a small sign explaining the purpose of the fundraiser.

Collect special Christmas recipes and create a Christmas cookbook to sell. Get recipes from members of your community and ask them to share memories related to your recipe. Include the stories in the cookbook. Make sure your printing costs are covered when you decide on the price of cookbooks.

Sell ​​items that are specific to the holiday season. People have to buy them anyway, so there’s less selling involved. You can sell Christmas cards. Lots of people buy live Christmas trees and poinsettias. These are great fundraising ideas for adults. Children can make and sell Christmas decorations for trees and home interiors.

Sell ​​the Christmas decorations at a community-wide Christmas craft sale. People always need stocking fillers. You can also purchase a booth at your local mall selling gift-wrapping services during the holiday season.

There are many great Christmas fundraising ideas. Decide which is best for your community. It has to be something that people buy, something that they need during the holidays. Think about the lines of food, gifts and decorations. You can’t go wrong with these ideas.