One of the most common complaints women have about their arms is that the cables protrude forward instead of resting on the chest. This can happen for a variety of reasons, so read further to learn how to get your bra to sit correctly on the center of your chest.

Check your cup size

This problem can be caused by bras that are too small or too large. If your bra is too big, the underwire will be too wide for your torso and the wires will come out because they have nowhere to go. On the other hand, if your cup is too small, the ring cannot lie flat against your chest. Subsequently, the cable will sit on the breast tissue.

To determine if your cup is too small or too large, pay attention to other fit issues. Do you have extra space in the cup or a wrinkle? If so, your mug is probably too large. If you have an extra lump of breast tissue at the top of your cup, it is probably too small.

Right size, wrong style

So you are using the correct cup size, but the wires are not flat yet. Now what? Most likely, the bra style you are wearing is not the right one for your figure. Women come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes those shapes and sizes are not quite the same shape as a standard earring. Don’t get overly stressed if the cable pulls away from your body a bit. For some women, it is almost impossible to find an underwired bra that is perfectly flat. For example, busty women with full, round breasts that sit close together usually need full coverage cup bras. These types of bras will not have enough space between the cups to lay flat. Petite women with large breasts may also have trouble finding underwired bras that lie flat between the breasts.

Finding the perfect bra for your size takes trial and error, but there is hope. From experience, women with this problem often find comfort in Panache bras, which are designed for women with D cups or larger. Another solution is a soft cup bra, which has no underwire.