Are you feeling a little sick? You are not alone – many people get sick due to changes in the weather in the fall and spring. Unfortunately, the side effects of cold and flu remedies often make you feel worse than the illness itself. To avoid a dry mouth or fuzzy head and still feel better, why not head to your local organic restaurant for a cup of herbal cold-fighting tea?

Many organic restaurants offer a selection of herbal tea preparations specifically designed to fight disease. Often described as “wellness teas,” these concoctions are carefully mixed with a variety of herbs known to support the immune system and relieve symptoms. Common ingredients like elderflower, yarrow, and peppermint contain chemical compounds known to fight colds and flu. Dandelion, nettle, and rosehip contain large amounts of vitamin C; Ginger and anise strengthen the immune system. Peppermint and calendula, also known as humble calendula, provide antibacterial properties.

To get the most benefits from these disease-fighting compounds, you should choose an herbal tea blend that contains the correct ratio of the different herbs. There are literally hundreds of herbal tea options. You could spend a fortune trying various wellness teas to determine their effectiveness … but why, when someone else has already done the work for you?

You can take advantage of an organic restaurant experience to shorten the list of wellness teas. Organic restaurant owners have had the opportunity to sample the many options and will only choose those herbal teas that are worth it. You can order their disease-fighting herbal tea with confidence that it’s the cream of the crop of wellness tea.

Some great herbal teas to combat cold weather chills: Pa Dutch Tea and Spice Company Cold & Flu Brew, a special blend that includes cold-fighting peppermint, elderflower, and yarrow among the ingredient list. To fight new germs, try Monterey Bay Spice Company’s Love Your Life Tea for a vitamin C shot and immune system boost. Other good options are Mitoku Mu Tea # 16, a Japanese tonic blend, or Monterey Bay Spice Company’s Feeling Good Flower Tea, a light-hearted tea that lifts your spirits to combat sadness that weakens your system.

Herbal tea blends that are designed to fight disease can help you feel better quickly without harmful side effects. Stop by your favorite organic restaurant for a cup of immune-boosting tea and you’ll be back on your feet in no time.

(Source of health benefits: The New Age herbalist, Richard Mabey)