Fried food is really tasty and would have been everyone’s favorite if it wasn’t for its high unhealthy fat content. So is it possible to fry without using oil? Is it possible to cook fried foods without oil or low in fat that are also tasty?

Oil Free Hot Air Fryer

The hot air fryer is a modern kitchen appliance that allows you to fry food without oil. Now how is that possible? If you told Grandma that, she would probably tell you that the food would taste horribly dry and tasteless. After all, deep-frying has always been the way to eat fried foods with that really nice crunch on the outside, moist and tender on the inside.

With the innovative hot air cooker, you’ll get the effect that’s crispy on the outside and moist on the inside, but less of the fat. This healthy fryer that is becoming very popular cooks food with hot air.

The high heat seals in the juices in the food and cooks fast due to the small capacity of the machine. Popular hot air fryers on the market range from 1.8 to under 4 pounds of cooking capacity.

Food sits in the cooking basket and is blasted with fast-moving hot air from all angles. This ensures fast and even cooking.

What are the benefits of the hot air fryer?

  • Without oil or at most a tablespoon of oil to fry which reduces the caloric intake.

  • The air fryer is very versatile and can be used for frying, grilling, roasting and baking; one machine for most of your cooking needs.

  • You can cook almost any type of food in the deep fryer, whether it is raw or frozen.

  • Quick cook times with most foods cooked in less than 30 minutes.

Who would benefit the most from the hot air fryer?

Busy moms would love the air fryer for all the reasons mentioned above. Healthy food for your children cooked with minimal effort and fast too.

College students will also find the deep fryer beneficial as it is very versatile and very easy to clean. Does not leave oily dirt.

The elderly would love the fryer for its simple use. There are only 2 buttons to adjust, the temperature and the timer control. Also, healthy food without oil would be great for your health.

Anyone following a low-fat diet would also love the deep fryer for its oil-less or oil-less cooking method. Yes, you can enjoy your favorite comfort food in a healthier way.