Without unduly alarming you, let me quote some relevant facts and figures about the unholy relationship between devitalized kernels and the rise of certain fatal diseases. Dr. Haven Emerson of Columbia University notes that since grains were first ground (that is, since proteins, minerals, and vitamins were extracted from wheat), diabetes has increased by 1150 %. Corresponding increases in heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer have also been seen. High blood pressure has increased 250 percent in the last ten years. Anemia and appendicitis have also increased at a frightening rate. These are totally unknown diseases among primitive peoples who use only unmilled grains rich in all vitamins of the B complex group. Even among Latter-day Saints (Mormons) of our own country, who are taught to adhere to With solid health-promoting diets, there are far fewer deaths from these serious deficiency diseases than among a similar group of people in other parts of the country as a whole. There is good scientific reason to believe that too much starch in the diet helps build up those unwanted cholesterol deposits in the arteries, causing them to harden and become brittle to the point.

where a rupture causes a fatal heart attack or brain hemorrhage.

People who consume a lot of starch are also more susceptible to respiratory and sinus infections than those who limit their carbohydrate intake to the sugars and starches found in natural foods (fruits, vegetables, milk and whole grains) and make your meals around high protein. Many people who attend my lectures have told me that all their asthma symptoms disappeared after they eliminated white sugar from their diet, substituting honey and fruit juices as sweeteners. One woman, whose life had been miserable for years from one sinus attack after another, experienced complete relief from this painful infection after eliminating all artificial carbohydrates from her diet. This woman could not be taken away to eat white bread, white rice, macaroni or white sugar again. She also realized that since she avoided white bread, her long-standing heartburn had disappeared after a meal.

Constipation, a common symptom of digestive disorders, is another universal ailment that can be directly attributed to starchy eating habits. The same goes for gas in the intestines and belching, which are uncomfortable manifestations of undigested starches fermenting in the digestive tract. Cancer, a scary word at any age and especially after forty, has definitely been linked to excessive carbohydrate consumption. Chronic irritations and other causes of cancer are less likely to cause rampant malignancies if the body is not overstocked with carbohydrate foods. This was demonstrated several years ago at the McArdle Memorial Laboratory for Cancer Research at the University of Wisconsin and at the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago. A yellow chemical called benzpyrene, known to cause skin cancer, was tested on 100 laboratory animals. Seventy-two of them developed cancer in six months, and these 72 were the ones who had deliberately received 40 percent more calories (in starchy foods) than necessary for good nutrition. The diets given to the other animals, which were shown to be highly resistant to cancer, contained a full quota of protein foods, but totaled just over half the calories contained in the starch-rich diets for the animals that developed cancer. The same experiment was repeated many times, and always with the same results: the group of animals that received the least carbohydrates developed the fewest cancers.

However, this does not mean that anyone with cancer can be cured by reducing the amount of starchy foods in their diet. Unfortunately, it still doesn’t work that way. But the message that comes from this research is that limiting the amount of starchy foods in the diet is possible insurance against developing cancer. Here is the scientific reasoning behind the results of this cancer research: Biologists have good reason to believe that cancer begins with the formation of a single cell that is abnormal because it lacks normal proteins or due to a disturbance in balance. hormonal, in addition to other reasons. it has not yet been fully explored. During the so-called “critical” period of cancer development (which immediately precedes the stage when the patient or doctor can detect the disease), cancer cells must compete with normal cells in the body for nutrition. If there is only enough food for normal cells, cancer cells will starve.

This is true because, at the beginning of the critical period, cancer cells have not yet had time to establish their own direct blood supply, as they do during the final or progressive period. Since they cannot receive food directly from their own blood supply, cancer cells must compete with healthy cells for food in the fluids that reach the tissues through the bloodstream. At this stage of cancer, normal cells have a better chance of surviving because they are still the most vigorous cells. The growth requirements of abnormal or cancer cells are quite different from those of healthy cells. For this reason, any food present will be immediately absorbed by the normal cells of the body, leaving the cancer cells to starve because there is no excess food for them or to thrive because the body ingested more food than necessary.

If there is no excess food, cancer cells must starve and die. But if there is an overabundance of sugars in the body in tissue fluids, derived from too much starch in the diet, cancer cells are assured of all the nutrition they need to grow and thrive. And so the abnormal growth progresses to its third and final stage. Cancer is known to be more common in people whose diets are high in carbohydrates. Among the Navajo and Hopi Indians of our Southwest, only 36 cases of cancer were found in 30,000 patients admitted to hospitals. However, among the same number of white people, approximately 1,800 cases of cancer would have been discovered. Why should these Indians have such a strong resistance to cancer? Diet seems to be the answer. These tribes do not overeat. In fact, their diet would seem extremely inadequate to us. Also, Navajo and Hopi Indians eat protein and consume very little carbohydrates. Make your own conclusions. I have pointed to these ailments and diseases (heart problems, hardening of the arteries, respiratory infections, constipation, indigestion, and cancer) because they are commonly associated with the late forties group. I don’t need to emphasize that all of these diseases and ailments are destructive and murderous in one way or another. Even those not commonly considered “fatal” can destroy your hold on youth, reducing your physical vitality and mental alertness almost to the point of fading.

It would be pretty tragic if you had to depend on white breads, refined sugar, macaroni, rice, and rich desserts to keep from starving. In that case, no one could blame you for filling your stomach with these potentially dangerous foods. But deliberately destroying your youth and shortening your life due to an acquired starch and sugar habit, after you’ve been told all the facts about these spoiling foods, is a way of showing that you want to age prematurely and don’t care what. it happens to your precious body. Are the taste pleasures you get from these starchy foods worth the high cost to you in health and good looks? So, think about your eating habits.