Growing up, David Blaine was one of my heroes. Some of the tricks he did were just amazing. When I first saw him, I knew he wanted to know how to do card magic tricks. After many years of being a magician, I have learned how to do magic card tricks and I will show you one of my personal favorites called out of this world.

Out of this world

This is a great hack to do while waiting for your food at a restaurant or just relaxing at a party. Once this trick is done, it will literally drive people crazy trying to figure out how it was done. And you can just sit there and smile.

What the stunt looks like for the crowd

You give the deck of cards to a volunteer and tell him to separate the black cards from the red ones by placing them face down on the table without looking at them. In the middle of the trick you tell them to stop. Then you say “you’re starting to doubt yourself, why don’t we change it up a bit? I want you to put the red ones in the black pile and the black ones in the red pile”. Ask them to finish putting the cards into the two piles. Once they have finished, tell them to turn both piles over and look at them. Effectively, all the red and black cards are separate.

When I first decided to learn how to do card magic tricks, I learned something out of this world. It was so easy that I had to share it with you.

  • Start by separating all the reds from the blacks. Put the black cards on top of the red ones. (make sure you do this without your audience looking)
  • Next, hand the deck to a spectator and tell them to put all the cards face down on the table but to separate the red ones from the black ones without looking at the cards.
  • Once they have laid out 24 cards, tell them to stop. At this point, they have put down 24 black cards because you had all the black cards on you. There will be one more black card left followed by 25 red cards. Tell them “you are starting to guess your doubts, so we will change the piles. Now we will put the red ones in the black pile and the black ones in the red pile” take the last black card and place it face up in the red pile saying “here is your new black stack”. Then take a red card and place it on top of the black pile saying “here is your new red pile”.
  • Ask them to finish putting down the cards. Once they have finished, ask them to turn the cards over and look at them. If done correctly, the red and black cards will be separated.