As stated above, women are supposed to be hunted (men are hunters by nature). So, stop trying to find a soul mate; is violating established protocol. For that reason, this article recommends five strategic moves. In addition to obtaining the desires of your heart, they will help you avoid anguish, stress and sleepless nights.

5 tips

  • Seek wisdom.

Since all good things come from above, prayer seems like the sensible first step. Discuss your wishes with the Creator, not with your friends, coworkers, or family. During the conversation, don’t forget to listen! You will get the inside track. Unlike the others, he knows what is to come, as well as the master plan for your life. It is already in motion.

  • Change your position.

Instead of going on a hunting expedition, think about repositioning yourself. Now God is the master strategist and can maneuver like no other. Still, being in the right place doesn’t hurt. What places do you frequent? Are they appropriate? I, for example, know when I don’t fit in. Create an uncomfortable feeling. What’s more, do you hide like a hermit? Making yourself scarce will cause you to lose the divine connection.

  • Examine each encounter.

Did you notice that Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz kept her mission while traveling the yellow brick road? He encountered three different men: the lion, the scarecrow, and the tin man. Every male needed something. Guess what? Dorothy assessed their situations, encouraged them, provided assistance but remembered the goal. Still, Dorothy returned to Kansas.

Similarly, we meet different men on this journey called life. They need encouragement, insight, or just someone to listen to them. It’s okay to help; God created women to nurture them. However, avoid giving more of yourself than is necessary. Dorothy knew what to give and what to keep. You do?

Consequently, choosing the wrong path creates confusion and delays. So, complete the task and then go back to the mission. You cannot afford to muddy the water. The stakes are high.

  • Do not you worry about anything.

Despair equals anxiety, and my Bible says we shouldn’t be anxious about anything. Worry and doubt drive you crazy. You start to think and believe the wrong things. “I’m too old. Time is running out.”

Finally, you decide to take matters into your own hands. However, instead of progressing, you end up going back five steps. A word to the wise is enough. Despair is a dangerous perfume to use. Apart from giving the wrong smell, it does not suit you.

  • Grow your faith.

Simply put, this advice is critical. Why? Growing your faith impacts every aspect of your life, not just receiving a soulmate. Faith walks the distance. Also, you must commit to going all the way. Since faith is obtained by hearing and listening, it is essential to saturate yourself with the word.

Are you ready to develop the muscles of your faith? Begin exercising daily by listening to the Word, studying, reading, meditating, speaking accordingly, and standing even when it seems like nothing is wrong. That is why it is called faith. Prepare to stand up.