If you’re looking to gain serious muscle mass and have a ripped body, then read on. Maybe you are overweight and want to lose all that fat that wraps around your muscular body. Or maybe you are too skinny and looking to gain more weight without trying to get fat at the same time. Either way, you must be ready to work hard and follow strict diet plans. But what does it take for you to get that lean, muscular body that models and bodybuilders have? Training and exercises alone do not give you the best results in the shortest amount of time. You need to train and eat in a totally different way and remember: if you do what you always do, you will get what you always get.

The first principle for getting bigger muscles is to shock your body and your muscles by putting more pressure on them. Your muscles are used to the same exercises and in order to grow, they need a stimulant. For example, if you can do more than 10 reps with 150lbs of weight on the bench, you should add more weight until you can only do 3-4 reps each time. By putting your muscles under pure pressure like this, you will force them to react and grow.

The second step after intense and resistant workouts is the proper diet and nutrition. Without eating right, you put your body at great risk for serious injury and your muscles won’t grow. Eating plenty of good protein from poultry, meat, beans, nuts, and fish will help replenish your body and give you more power to grow. You should eat 1.5 to 2 times more protein than your body weight. If you weigh 160 pounds, you need to eat 240 to 320 grams of protein a day to make sure your muscles get enough nutrition to get stronger and grow.

Drinking plenty of water is extremely important for your body to recover and recover after a hard workout. Drinking 1-2 gallons of water a day will ensure that your body is able to remove toxins and waste to function properly. You also need dietary supplements in your daily diet. I can’t address this enough because most professional athletes and bodybuilders take vitamins and supplements every day to increase their energy, metabolism, strength and take their performance to the next level.