If the only question running through your head right now is how to get my man back, then you must be willing to change your focus immediately. The number one reason people fail to win their man back is that they allow their emotions to dictate his actions, leading to erratic behavior.

A roller coaster of emotions can not only wreak havoc emotionally and physically, but it can drive your man away forever.

1. Are you wondering how to get my man back when he won’t even talk to me?

This is very common and is usually the result of one partner not accepting the breakup and doing everything in their power to get their man to reconsider. You must first accept that your relationship is over, for the time being of course, before you can begin the process of getting your man back.

It’s time to be level-headed, calm, and completely respectful of your man and his decision. There is no doubt that you probably love him to death and want him back fast, but he tries to control your emotions so that you can think clearly.

two. Let the emotions of the breakup settle. Cry your heart out if you have to, but avoid contact with your ex until you can think straight. Breakups take both an emotional and physical toll and the last thing you want is to say and do things that will drive him further apart.

Be completely honest with yourself. Regardless of how much you love your ex, your relationship cannot continue the way it ended. That is why you must leave your pride and ego at the door and take responsibility for the direction of your relationship to have any chance of winning your man back.

3. Never use the blame game or other manipulative tactics to try to convince your man to give your relationship another chance. Many women have been caught using them, and while they sometimes work, you’ll likely end up with your last chance to meet up with your man.

Thinking of how to get my man back if he has started ignoring me? You must stop all contact with your ex. Avoid calling, texting, emailing and following your man’s online activities as well. This will do little to resolve the issues that caused your man to leave; in fact, it can infuriate him to the point that talking to him in the future is nearly impossible. A little space is crucial to get your man back.

Four. Are you asking how to get me back if he doesn’t love me? Listen, love is hardly ever the reason he left. Stop wondering if your man still loves you and if he does, why did he leave you? For your relationship is what is broken, not your love, with that in mind you know that you have the power to repair and mend problems.

5. Take care of yourself! Men are attractive to women who are confident, bubbly and positive just like women. You should stay positive and try to put a smile on your face. The person your ex fell in love with is still inside you, but often problems in a relationship can prevent our partner from seeing the person she fell in love with.

I keep screaming, I want to know how to get my man back.