You may have heard of this before. But do you know how it works? If you know what to do, you can earn some money using this method. Some people make a living doing this.

So the basics are: you buy a domain name and then you sell it and make a profit. But wait, don’t start buying all the domains because some won’t work for this. Domain names with popular keywords tend to get more traffic, so this means that before you start shopping for domains, you should do some research to find popular keywords.

Keywords related to “money” are always a safe bet. People will always be looking for ways to make money online/offline and ways to save money. “Weight loss” and “Fitness” are also good. These types of keywords will always be popular.

Ok, now you should have some ideas for domain names. You should do a little more research and find the places that offer the lowest fees to register domain names. The less you pay to sign up, the more profit you’ll earn later.

Now you have 2 options: sell it or keep it. If the domain you register is very popular, then you can create a simple website and put Google AdSense ads on it, and earn money every month from it. Sometimes it pays to maintain dominance. If you are not good at making websites then you can sell it.

If you want to sell the domain name, you have to go to eBay. Lots of people trade domains there. You can use the auction format to get more money from your domains. If for some reason you can’t sell on eBay, you can also try classified directories all over the web.