Everyone knows about the pay per click (PPC) program available for online businesses. In case you want to sell your products online, post an online ad for it. Search engines that have been advertised on charge you a fee of about 10 cents per click on your ad. I will tell you a different way to earn money online even if you don’t have any products to sell online, through the help of affiliate programs available online.

Through this, you do not need to have your own product, own website or any stock. You only need a small amount of money to invest and some free time. This is a rewarding family business. Here are the few ways to do it:

– Look for a product that is useful for many users, for example: an e-book on the basics of learning to play the guitar, which you found very useful. Let’s say your price is $40 per sale.

– Check the affiliate program on the source site and see how much they offer to affiliates. Let’s say you offer $25 per referral.

– Register as a product affiliate

o Post an ad on search engines with a direct link to the site of origin or provider. This way, the source site knows who the affiliate is and who to pay for the particular sale. Search engines provide highly targeted online traffic and almost 3 sales per 100 visits are guaranteed. Which means that for every $10 you spend on the ad, you earn $75. $65 profit!