It is a beautiful summer afternoon. A light breeze is blowing. You would love to go out and enjoy the day. However, he has a deadline for his current novel, so he is chained to the computer.

No matter how much you love to write, some days it’s really hard to stay motivated. That’s normal. Especially for fiction writers, many whose deadlines are self-imposed, it’s all too easy to let the day go by thinking they’ll do it again tomorrow. I know. I’ve been there.

What’s a writer to do when you need to get your words out, but sitting in front of the computer is the last thing you want to do?

Nine tips to stay motivated
Here are nine simple tips to help you keep going when you find your motivation flagging.

  1. Remember why you like to write. Maybe you’re writing because you love finding out what happens next. Or maybe you’re making puzzle pieces fit into a perfect plot. Take a few minutes and write down the reasons. Go through it until you can feel the passion in the words. Make a couple of copies and put them next to your computer, next to your bathroom mirror. Wherever you see it frequently. Then make sure to stop every time you pass it and read it at least once.
  2. Make sure your writing space is comfortable. Whether you write at the kitchen table or in an extra cabinet, take some time to make sure it’s a comfortable space you enjoy being in. Nothing will stop you from writing like having to write in a place you hate. Hang pictures or buy new cushions. Find creative ways to make the area as inspiring and engaging as possible.
  3. Change your writing area. Sometimes a simple change of location while you type can be enough. If it’s a beautiful day, take the laptop outside and enjoy the breeze. If your house is too noisy, a trip to the coffee shop or bookstore may be all you need.
  4. Use a different tool to write. If you normally write on the computer, you can try switching to pencil and paper. If you enjoy using writing software, exploring a different program can get the writing juices going. By changing the way you write, plan, or research, you’ll be using different muscles (or parts of the brain) that can help your mind make new connections or connect with memories from different times that will help ignite the spark.
  5. Reward yourself. Bribery can work wonders when you’re trying to motivate yourself. Plan an outing with friends, but only allow yourself to go once you’ve reached your goal. Or buy yourself that new CD you’ve been wanting as a reward for accomplishing your goal. Just make sure you don’t cheat and buy it before you hit the target.
  6. Imagine the finished novel. Writing can be a lonely task, and sometimes a novel can seem like a daunting task. By envisioning the finished project, you help inspire yourself to go this far. You can take a few moments, close your eyes and visualize a large box of books fresh off the press. Every time you’re in the bookstore, find where your books will be on the shelves and picture yourself there. You can make a fake book cover to wrap another novel and keep it next to your writing space.
  7. Alternative projects. If you’re avoiding writing because you don’t know where the next scene is going, it might be a good idea to start working on another project. You can switch between them to keep the creative flow constant.
  8. Make it a habit. Just as you will continue to do something that you know is bad for you, making writing a habit will ingrain that pattern in you so that you feel bad when you don’t. Like Pavlov’s dogs, your mind will go into gear faster (and often sooner!) when you know it’s time to write.
  9. Join a writing group. Whether online or offline, talking to others who share your interests will help you stay motivated. You may discover a new technique or idea that you want to try. But be sure to keep friends and activities that don’t involve your hobby. They are essential to a healthy mindset.