We all love our garden. To make it look beautiful and attractive, we give it the best care and nutrition. Using the right fertilizer and manure helps not only plant growth, but also helps keep the soil healthy and well-nourished. Speaking of soil nutrition and fertilizers, there are many ingredients that can be used as effective fertilizers.

What is fertilizer?

Fertilizer is an organic or inorganic material made from natural or man-made materials, which increase the potential of soil and plants when sprayed or sprayed in limited amounts. The three most important ingredients in soil that help a plant grow are potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Without equal amounts of these elements, plants do not grow well or get the food they need. Plants naturally get these nutrients from the dead decay of other plants. However, when the soil does not have the potential to generate these ingredients, synthetic fertilization is used as a substitute.

Organic Fertilizer Vs Inorganic Fertilizer

There has always been a debate between people who use organic fertilizers and people who use inorganic fertilizers to enhance plant growth. Although there are few advantages and disadvantages in using them, one has to thoroughly understand the purpose of the fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are made from natural substances like manure, fish emulsion, plant waste, cottonseed meal, and more. These materials consist of the 3 basic elements: Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, which contain large numbers of microbes and thus help release energy from the soil to plants. One of the most remarkable characteristics of organic fertilizer is that it releases nutrients gradually. It is less expensive than inorganic fertilizers and can be used on any type of soil.

Chemical fertilizers or inorganic fertilizers are derived from man-made and synthetic materials. Although they increase the release of nutrients, they can damage the soil and decrease its quality over time. Inorganic fertilizers contain acids and chemicals that destroy nitrogen-emitting bacteria in the soil in a short period of time. However, this does not mean that inorganic fertilizers should not be used at all. They can be used when the soil requires instant nutrients and immediate attention.

Use of Fertilizers

Periodic fertilization is the best way to maintain soil fertility. Farmers who grow different plants in their fields use different fertilization methods depending on the plants they grow, while homeowners use different types of fertilizer for potted plants and lawns. They are a kind of medicine for plants, so they must be used in the right amounts at the right times. Although they release nutrients slowly, they cannot be used frequently or in large quantities, as they can hinder the growth of vegetation and destroy the natural immunity of the soil.