
These are ideal containers for storing dried fruit. Place the jars in a cool, dry place, away from light.

mandolin slicer

Cut strips and slices of equal size from fruits and vegetables. The same size slices are ideal for drying.


These are useful for cutting fruits and vegetables inside the kitchen.

Chopping boards

A board helps cut items and prevents damage to the table or counter. You can buy a wooden one or a plastic one.


Weigh fruit and other items. It is useful to optimize your trays or to calculate your drying performance.

banana cutter

Peel the plantain and place it on a cutting board. Cut the pieces of equal size without any effort. It is preferable to buy cutters where the width of the blades can be adjusted.


Removes the skin from vegetables and fruits with less waste compared to the knife.

vacuum sealing machine

Place the nuts in a bag. Now place the top of the bag inside the vacuum machine. The sealer will remove all air and seal the bag airtight. It will improve the life of your nuts. The only downside to this method is that the bags are not reusable unless you are ready to cut off the top of the bag and compromise its storage capacity.

cherry pitter

It is a very good option to eliminate holes.


Allows you to accurately measure the temperature of your dryer. Please check your manual on how to use it.

programmable timer

It stops drying after a specified period of time. It is very useful if you want to dry something at night or when you are out and about.

Apple corer, mango slicer and pineapple slicer

These kitchen appliances are must-haves for your dryers. This appliance saves time and helps you cut equal length slices of these foods for your dehydrator trays.

Progressive Chopper for Fruits and Vegetables

This is one of the best products for cutting and mincing food in your kitchen. Another equally great product to shop for is the Chef n VeggiChop Vegetable Chopper. Both items are available on Amazon for less than $50.

roller rings

Rolls dough of uniform height that allows uniform heating inside the dryer.

yogurt jars

Set of jars with glass lids that help you prepare yogurt in your food dehydrator.