Why a special article about teenagers and LoA?

Several people have asked me to write an article about the Law of Attraction (LoA) and teenagers because teenagers are different. Really? Well yes, they are different. However, they are not different in the way that you may think. First of all, teenagers, for the most part, are still learning about themselves and their world, so they are less likely to reject a philosophy or idea like LoA without first examining it. Put another way, teens have fewer habits than those in their 30s, 40s, or 50s, and therefore have fewer bad energy habits to unlearn.

However, this article is as much for those who have teenagers at home as it is for the teenagers themselves. You see, those with teenagers have a special responsibility that is sometimes overlooked: the responsibility to be aligned with Source and to serve as an example. Teens are often looking for inspiration (not motivation) to guide them and, among other things, pay close attention to the role models around them.

For those with teenagers

Everyone should aspire to stay aligned with Source (often referred to as being centered or in touch with oneself), but for those with teenagers, this is particularly important. Even if they don’t seem to be paying attention, teens watch their world (you in this case) closely and often form their fundamental patterns from what they see and hear. If you’re negative and blame everything on outside forces, they won’t be impressed by your good words about having a positive outlook and being the creator of your own reality. Words of encouragement fall heavily to the ground when spoken by an uninspired teacher. However, actions inspired from a place of alignment will make an impression that will serve your teen for a lifetime. You don’t have to be perfect, but you do have to be consistent and aligned with who you really are.

for teenagers

You are in a very powerful position as you can see the world more clearly than those who are older and may have fallen into poor energetic patterns. Trust yourself, trust your feelings, trust the Universe. Life is not hard – life is made hard by the resistance we offer. When I was a kid in the 1960s, adults made fun of flower children who liked to say “take it easy, man” and “go with the flow.”

However, I have learned that the power was in those enlightened young people and that “going with the flow” was an expression for not resisting the Universe and enjoying the ride. In fact, I have discovered that joy is the key to manifesting everything you desire. You are at a point in your life where you are mature enough to form your own opinions, but still young enough not to be blinded by the awesome power of joy. Listen to those who make sense to you, but listen much more to those who make your heart sing, even if their words seem strange. That song you hear in your heart is your guidance system and it is more powerful and more precise than your logical thinking.

Lastly, when you feel anger, grief, or fear, know that your guidance system is telling you that you are not in alignment with who you really are. Stop, breathe and focus. Remember who you really are and remember that you create your reality. Then redirect your thoughts away from whatever caused your misalignment. Don’t push it, just put it out of your mind and focus on a thought, any thought, that brings a smile to your face and joy to your heart. If that sounds silly enough to make you smile, then you get it and so does your inner self.