Life Insights

Based on the influential work of Scout Bartlett, Life Insights provides: psychic readings, personal courses, lectures and events. Personal one on one Life coaching and psychic readings. To unfold the sides in your life that have been folded together, revealing the hidden riches within you that lie waiting to come out. We all have areas of our life that are constricted by life’s circumstances and barriers. Life Insights helps to open these doors, to reveal the possibilities that lie beyond.

Life Insights provides a free Healing Class for clients who wish to deepen their own consciousness and understand themselves and others more fully. The first Life Insights Live Less Talk workshop was held at the Medix Studio in Toronto, Canada in 2021. It received positive feedback from those who took the class and have since been hugely successful, garnering the endorsement of John Pierrakos, Creator of the Healing Class and Life Insights, as well as numerous readers and clients. It is the most comprehensive and accessible course in existence. The teachings within the Healing Class are designed to empower individuals, help them develop their talents and passions, guide them towards a fulfilling and meaningful life, and teach them how to live in harmony with the divine.

Magnificent Tuesday!

What’s the catch? For each Life Insight Live Less Talk session, you will be brought into an immediate meditation and healing environment where you will be encouraged to experience the healing benefits of the wisdom that is abundant in the program. The teacher will encourage you to explore the questions, answers and insights contained in the program in relationship to the questions, answers and insights you are already experiencing, as well as in harmony with the deeper truth that lies beyond the surface of your life. You will be encouraged to ask open questions, allowing yourself to experience the power of your intuition as well as your higher self, to access your deeper inner truth. You will then receive personalized solutions and guidance tailored just for you, based on your specific needs.

Live Less Talk

Does this Mean That This Program Cannot Be Used by Anyone? No, you can use the Life Insights material and receive direct answers to all those questions and inquiries that you want answered, even if you have not taken the program or live in one of the live sessions. Since the format of the course is a one-to-one session with a specially trained facilitator, you will also have a coach to guide and assist you along the way as you navigate your own journey toward wholeness.

So What Can I Expect to Achieve From Life Insights? If you are struggling with challenges, concerns or issues in your life, you will be given the insight and tools necessary to turn them around. In each Life Insight Live Less Talk session, a different expert in the field of health, creativity, mind and spirit will guide you through the process of transformation. This means that there is no “one size fits all” approach to achieving personal insight and transformation.

What Are the Guarantees of Life Insights? Life Insights does not promise results. The great thing about this is that if you do not like the answer you receive from a facilitator, you can repeat the question until you get the answer that fits with your values, goals and objectives. You will also be able to tailor the type of Live Less Talk session you take to suit your needs. For example, some people might not feel comfortable asking a biblical question during a therapeutic Live Less Talk session, whereas it might be a good question to ask during a scientific Live Less Talk session. So whatever your needs, you can tailor your Live Less Talk lessons to meet.