Panosteitis is an ailment that is occasionally seen in the basset hound breed. It is also known as a wandering or transient limp. It is a bone disease characterized by bone proliferation and remodeling. Garlic is associated with many large breed dogs such as German Shepherds, Great Danes, Doberman Pinschers, etc. The problem for me lies in the fact that many vets do not associate a Basset Hound with this ailment when in fact panosteitis is quite common in the breed.

The biggest concern for me is the misdiagnosis of some Basset Hounds, when they experience Panosteitis. A misdiagnosis could result in unnecessary surgery. You should always mention the possibility of Panosteitis to your vet before agreeing to surgery for an ailment such as elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia, and other more serious conditions. An x-ray is the first thing you should do to rule out an injury due to some type of trauma.

Panosteitis is a self-limited condition that can start anywhere from 6 to 18 months, but will usually resolve on its own by treating the symptoms with pain relievers such as Rymadyl or even buffered aspirin and anti-inflammatories by the time they are two years old. When your Basset Hound has an outbreak of panosteitis, he will have a moderate to severe limp. He often goes back and forth and switches from one leg to the other. You should limit your activities while taking pain medicine. Pain medication can give your dog a false sense of well-being and further aggravate pain. Panosteitis is more common in the young male dog than in the female.

Ideally, crate your pup while you deal with this garlic.

The cage should be large enough for them to stand up, stretch out, and turn around comfortably. A soft cushion to lie on, blankets and toys will make him feel at home. During his walks and potty breaks, help him up and down the stairs. Don’t let him jump on the furniture. If you want it in bed with you… Pick it up!

There are many theories as to why certain breeds may develop this, although none have been proven. Since the disease appears constantly in certain breeds… there is a high probability that there is a genetic link. One thing is for sure. Feeding a large breed dog an extremely high-protein food causes it to grow faster, which can have an impact on your pup’s development. Panosteitis is often referred to as “growing pains.” Growing up too fast is not always good.

Panosteitis is a problem for our large breed puppies, but once you’ve seen a vet and know this is what you’re dealing with, you can take solace in the fact that it will resolve itself and your pup shouldn’t have a side. persistent or long term. condition effects. Treat the symptoms, keep him comfortable while restricting his movement, and give him lots of love and attention. This stage of his development will pass and he should be perfectly fine.