“People are like stained glass, they sparkle and shine when the sun rises, but when darkness comes, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Adversity is one of the least favored words in our vocabulary, but the truth is… it’s one of the most important words. Throughout our lives, much of our strength, courage, and resilience comes from an adverse time in our lives. And, for some of us, the difficulties we’ve had have made us who we are today.

We’ve all been on “the dark side” (as some people call it), that place where no one wants to be, whether it’s due to death, career, health, divorce, etc. We have all been through adversity or know someone who has…we are human. We have all dealt with difficulties throughout our lives, none of us are exempt. And I know that if it weren’t for the hardships in my life, I wouldn’t be writing this article. We’ve all heard the saying, “Adversity will make or break you.” Adversity can make or break us, but lest it break you, you have to face life’s difficulties with a different attitude… one of opportunity.

Instead, I choose to remember the quote: “Adversity willingly suffered is the greatest virtue.” You see, the difficulties have to do with how we choose to view them. When we change our vision about the adversity of life… strength, courage and resistance will be returned in exchange for what has been weakened by difficulties. Many times what is returned to you comes back unknowingly and you are even stronger than you were before. Look back in your life at previous adversities you have had, did they make you a stronger person? Did it take you a couple of days, a month, or a year to recognize the changes in yourself? Eventually, you realized that you had more confidence and courage!

None of us knows what awaits us or what our next challenge in life will be. But, one thing is for sure (that we all have in common)… there will be more difficulties for all of us. No one on this earth is immune to adversity. There may be times when you find yourself muttering under your breath, “Why do they have it so good and I don’t?” Trust me… “they” have had their tests too. And, the reason they can be perceived as having it “so well” is because they swam through their adversity. Whether they were swimming with the current or against it, they thought to keep going. The harder and longer you swim, the stronger you will become and overcoming adversity takes practice and dedication just like anything else you commit to achieving. You don’t become an Olympic swimmer overnight!

Adversity is just that… adversity. And what YOU choose to do with yours is YOUR choice. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, once said, “Every adversity, every failure, and every heartbreak carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” So what seed are you going to plant? And there’s also an old saying that goes like this: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.” In other words, many people choose to never get ahead of their trials, but instead choose to remain stuck and wallow in their tribulations for years. One thing is certain, we will never be free from adversity…never…but we can certainly change our perspective when faced with difficulties. Even the most dire circumstances can be reversed and used for good, we just need to open our eyes to see that sparkle of hope before us.

Remember, the cloud of adversity you are going through will lift when you change your perspective on the situation. But only if you take the first steps to walk again and keep your head up! No one has an explanation or a reason why things are happening in your life, except your higher power. All we know is that He doesn’t want you to give up because there is more to accomplish in your life. But, YOU have to change your perspective. We can all be there to guide and support you in your first steps, but ultimately, you have to take those first steps. Deep down, you have to muster that energy to say, “No more, I’ll get over it, and I deserve to have a fulfilling life, too.”

When you find yourself going through adversity, ask yourself: “Am I only focusing on the negative aspects or am I able to recognize a positive reason for what is happening?” We receive what we perceive. Adversity is what strengthens the weakened individual. Although one test or many tests can change us forever…it is your faith and perspective that will determine the outcome. Even the best are discouraged…but through the power of adversity they also choose to win. Many of the most famous role models have stories of extreme destitution and terrible situations to tell, and that is what makes them role models. People admire and admire those who can beat. We all know the challenge of strength it takes to keep moving forward and that’s why we look to role models and mentors. If you are struggling in a situation, don’t be afraid to reach out to the role models in your life.

Everything is going to be alright…keep swimming…eventually the tide of faith and perspective will carry you through every storm. And like the tides, we are always changing. Some days may be lower than others, but without water there is no tide… and without adversity, there is no growth.

“Often God has to close a door in our faces, then open the door he wants us to enter.” ~Catherine Marshall