If you didn’t know, clumping is a major factor in choosing a cat litter. You should look for a premium clumping cat litter. Do you know the meaning of this? You probably don’t know. Any brand that many customers find reputable makes premium cat litters that make clumping easy. The main benefit you get is trouble-free maintenance and cleaning. This is particularly good if you have enough time to clean up the kitten’s urine and feces. The type of litter you are willing to purchase can influence the clumping function.

If you plan to buy disposables, clumping is not a very necessary factor. This is because you need litter that can break up quickly so you can flush it down the toilet. The natural litter ensures that faeces clump together quickly for easy pick up. Examples of these include paper, orange peel, wood, wheat husks, and grass and peanut shells. Other types of cat litter, such as silica, and crystal cat litter, have a high moisture absorption rate.

You should select the best type of premium clumping cat litter if this feature is important to you. Clumping occurs due to cat urine and you need to get the clumps out. The pool is easily formed if you also use clay sand. It has a high absorption rate of about 75 to 100% of its weight in moisture. The only problem with clay is moisture. All cats hate stepping on mud or wet earth with their paws. Sooner or later, your cat will refuse to use its clay litter.

Clay and sand are older types of cat litter, but they are not preferred. The cat loves the soft texture with little to no foul odor. To remove the stink from the litter, always try to get the clumpy mess off the kitty. If you have cats as pets, you will know that they prefer gritty-textured litter that is absorbent in nature. This guy is easier on his paw pads. Don’t let the cheap price fool you. Such cheap litters are usually more difficult to pick up because they break easily. Natural garbage, which you can make at home, is fine, but not much preferable. Your cat may not like it.

Cats usually do not like the sudden change of a scooped cat litter. He will need some form of potty training in order to accept the new texture and smell of the new natural litter. Experts recommend buying a whole new litter box when you want to change your kitty litter. One way to train the cat to start using its new poop box is to use the old feces or urine. When choosing premium clumping litters, be sure to avoid scented types. Fragrances may smell good to you, but they repel cats. You can buy the sands to collect on the Internet. Many providers describe the benefits of the product for you. You should certainly visit a site like Amazon and check out different cat supplies.