When you house train your puppy, this will be the most important part of any puppy training. You will use the puppy’s natural need to be clean to his advantage and help in the training process. Most dogs don’t like to dirty the areas where they sleep and eat. So use it to your advantage.

Get an area that you will use as a training area

In your home workout quest, set an area as above as the workout area. You could use a small space as a bathroom or a small part of your kitchen or garage. These areas work best for training. You can also use a box in your training.

Play with your dog in this area, it is important that you spend a lot of time in this area. He may urinate in this area, but when he realizes that it is his area, he will try not to urinate in this area anymore. Also get him a bed so he can sleep and eat in this area. When you are not home, your puppy should remain in the training area until he returns.

Prepare your puppy’s bathroom area

The second thing to do for puppy house training is to have a bathroom area set up for him so that he has an area that he can go to anytime he needs to. You must take him there so he knows where the established bathing area is.

You must continue training at home.

When the puppy constantly goes to the bathroom, it’s time to extend the training to the rest of the house. But only do this when you are sure he can control his bladder and bowels.