Rottweiler Training Basics

Looking at a Rottweiler, you might think that Rottweiler training is a very difficult job mainly because this is a very tough looking breed of dog. However, in reality, Rottweilers are highly intelligent dogs that are eager to learn and work for their masters. These traits make Rottweiler training much easier than you might expect.

Perhaps the most important reminder regarding Rottweiler training is that it should begin very early in the dog’s life and continue until he is approximately two years of age. The two most basic and essential types of training your dog should undergo are potty training and obedience training. These two basic trainings will ensure that your dog knows exactly what you expect of him and that you have complete control over him.

A Rottweiler thrives on positive reinforcement, which makes it a very important tool in Rottweiler training. Similarly, punitive measures should never be used and corrective measures should be limited to verbal reprimands in a cutting tone of voice. If he has decided to engage the services of a professional trainer and you find that he is being too rough with his dog, switch to another trainer immediately. Rottweilers tend to become more aggressive when violence is applied to them.

A Rottweiler normally observes a pecking order. This means that your dog will only respect and obey you if you show that you are in complete control. In fact, it’s normal for a Rottweiler to try to bully you into giving in to what THEY want. This is how they test your leadership and control over them. Therefore, before you can formally begin Rottweiler training, you will first need to establish his role as pack leader. Once his leadership is established, you should have no more problems and training your Rottweiler should be a piece of cake.

Rottweiler potty training should be first on your list when you begin to formally train your dog. One thing to keep in mind is that this part of Rottweiler training requires a lot of patience. A young Rottweiler normally has very little control over his bladder and bowels. Therefore, you may need to take it to the designated disposal site even at two in the morning. It usually takes up to six months for a Rottweiler to gain complete control of his bladder and bowel movements, as well as fully understand what is expected of him. In the meantime, you must keep your patience.

Obedience training, while significantly more thorough than potty training, is often much more straightforward. It is best handled by a professional dog trainer who knows all the best techniques to ensure that you can raise an obedient and well-mannered dog. You can also handle obedience training yourself, in which case it is recommended that you take expert advice regarding the correct training methods and techniques. And never forget to go through the training with a lot of patience and love.