These stylish looking fall inspired napkin rings will add the perfect touch to any Thanksgiving party. As a bonus, they are very easy to make and cost next to nothing.

To see the image of the finished project, visit

What will you need

1. Salt

2. Flour

3. Water

4. Rolling pin

5. Cutting board

6. Foil covered cookie sheet

7. Golden yellow paint or some other fall color.

8. Fine tip brush

9. Ribbon of a dark autumnal color like garnet.

10. Sheet button or small sheet stamp

11. sharp kitchen knife

12. Fake Fall Leaves (can often be found in the craft section of most stores)

13. Hot glue gun


1. First you will need to make the salt dough.

2. In a medium bowl mix: 1 cup of salt, 1 cup of flour and ½ cup of water.

3. Knead the dough until it acquires a clay consistency. If it’s too sticky, add more flour. If it is too dry add more water.

4. Put a small amount of flour in the area where the dough is to be rolled out and spread it evenly so that the dough does not stick.

5. Roll dough out to ¼ inch thick.

6. Use the button or stamp to make an impression on the dough.

7. Use the utility knife to cut a rectangle or square around the print.

8. Place the pieces on the cookie sheet. Make sure to place them on the sheet with the indentation facing up.

9. When you have done as many as you need. Put the oven to heat and put the pan in the oven.

10. The time it takes to dry the parts depends on the oven. So check them constantly. They will most likely take 2-3 hours to dry completely. When finished, they will be hard, light, and will make a hollow sound when played.

11. When done, paint the indentation with the color of your choice.

12. Let the paint dry.

13. Connect the hot glue gun.

14. Cut the ribbon into four-inch lengths.

15. Choose leaves for the napkin rings and remove the stems if necessary.

16. Using the hot glue gun, place glue on the back of a piece of salt dough and glue it to the front of a sheet, so that the piece is slightly angled.

17. When the glue has dried, turn the sheet over and place a small line of glue towards the base of the sheet.

18. Position the tape so that it forms a ring.

19. Use as you would any other napkin holder.