It is always advisable to house train a dog as soon as possible. Just like babies, puppies don’t have bladder control until they are around 3 months old. This therefore means that you have to potty train your pup right from the start. But how are you doing with home training? First of all, you need to understand that dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell and a natural sense of cleanliness, they rarely mess up or dirty an area, especially where they sleep or live, unless they can’t help it. Here is how to train a dog:

Mark the bathroom area

Take your dog outside first thing in the morning when he wakes up so he doesn’t eliminate on the ground. Give him time to snoop around so he can find a place where he feels comfortable doing his thing, and once he does, shower him with praise so he knows that this particular place is his ‘bathroom’.

Clearly marking a seating area

You have to give your dog his own little area, and this is where you can make use of a dog crate. However, keep in mind that your dog will not accept the cage immediately when you introduce it, he must undergo prior training so that he can get used to it. Make sure the crate is the size of the dog, not too big and not too small. To begin with, you should line one side of the crate with waste paper, in case your dog loses control of his bowel movements. Never take your dog away from the family, always make sure the crate is placed in a corner of the house, a place where you can easily supervise it.

Introduce your dog to the whole house

After your dog masters your living and bathroom areas, he’ll rarely have accidents in other rooms, and that’s when you should open him up to the entire house, one bedroom at a time. He begins moving his box from room to room, keeping a close eye on him so he doesn’t forget or misbehave. By the time he’s comfortable with the rooms, he’ll start to think of the whole house as an extra room to his small living room.

Always love and respect your pet.

An accident could happen because your dog really couldn’t help it, but that doesn’t mean you should scold or scold him, just treat him with love and respect and talk to him in a reassuring way.

walk your dog a bit

Take some time and hang out with your dog, walking him while you wait for him to finish relieving himself. By helping him walk, you will help make it easier for him to have a bowel movement. You have to be very patient as this could take even an hour. When your dog completes his work, he deserves praise, just as you would when you do something praiseworthy.

Training a dog requires quite a bit of time and effort on your part as the dog owner. Successful training means that the dog can stick to the schedule for the rest of his life.