Pandemics in human history always result in incalculable and sometimes unprecedented problems that would need great thinkers to come up with solutions. Researchers are positive opportunists who never cease their efforts to continually investigate the ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘who’ and ‘how’ of every situation just to bring relief to humanity. In the current outbreak, researchers from various disciplines must think about how to offer a new perspective of understanding the outbreak and, more importantly, offer urgent solutions to the associated challenges that threaten human structures for survival.

Since the outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic, scholars in the field of Health and Allied Sciences have begun to investigate the etiology, epidemiology, pathophysiology, histopathology, evaluation/treatment/clinical management, and diagnosis of COVID-19. A survey of academic work in this field shows great contributions from Asian researchers, especially from China, where the outbreak began. These hard-working researchers never wavered in their efforts to medically investigate what should be done to combat the virus. These remarkable researchers continued down this path even under dangerous working conditions that resulted in the loss of some. They have really demonstrated and shown what researchers must do all the time in the constant search for solutions to alleviate the pain of their fellow men, even in times of pandemic. However, their colleagues in other countries must do more. There is a need for medical scientists to investigate the genome sequence of the new coronavirus in different regions of the world. Interestingly, other scholars in the medical field are busily researching this phenomenon to inform knowledgeable about the coronavirus, suggesting preventative measures, and more importantly, finding a medical cure and vaccine to fully combat it. For example, while medical scientists are looking through the lens of orthodox medicine, herbal practitioners are experimenting with ways to use herbal extracts to produce drugs that can stimulate the immune system and/or provide a strong immune buffer to combat cancer. coronavirus. These efforts are commendable. More work should be done on finding more efficient means of testing COVID-19 patients, carrying out contact tracing and precautionary/preventive measures for coronavirus.

Researchers in the engineering field, particularly computer and mechanical engineering, are designing technologies to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Digital technologies such as drones and robocops, in short, the manual application of lockdowns, have been designed and used in some countries. Likewise, mobile technologies are being designed, such as the development of new apps for contact tracing of COVID-19 patients as well as those who have had contact with them. For example, MIT researchers are developing an AI-based system to complement manual contact tracing by public health personnel that relies on short-range Bluetooth signals from smartphones. In South Africa, ambulances equipped with automated test kits and laboratory services designed as a result of diligent research efforts are being used to test and track people with COVID-19 even in remote and hard-to-reach areas. In Ghana, the Ministry of Health recently launched the COVID-19 app to track people who are infected or have had contact with carriers of the COVID-19 virus. These technologies developed as a result of rigorous studies by some mechanical engineers, as well as computer hardware and software engineers, are being implemented to help in the fight against COVID-19. More technological tools are still required to combat the coronavirus and dedicated researchers in the field of engineering are constantly on the table investigating these potentials.

Agricultural researchers have a huge research task in store for them. The blockade has resulted in record high post-harvest losses in the countries. What are efficient ways to mitigate post-harvest losses during pandemic and lockdown periods? How can farmers use online marketing strategies and platforms to connect with customers and patronize their products to prevent them from incurring huge financial losses? What can the Ministry of Food and Agriculture do to help these poor farmers manage the lockdown crisis? What are some of the efficient ways that food manufacturing companies could process perishable agricultural products into non-perishable products? These are excellent topics that deserve to be investigated by farmers during this pandemic outbreak. Unfortunately, no studies have yet been conducted in these areas.

The tourism and hospitality management sector has been greatly affected due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many scheduled tours and tourist activities have been canceled due to travel bans and closures. It is estimated that the tourism sector worldwide will lose high incomes worth nearly two billion dollars. This is the time when tourism and hotel management researchers could consider virtual means of marketing these tourist sites through intensified research on smart tourism and e-tourism. This growing field of tourism has not received much attention, especially in developing countries. This pandemic period should be the time when researchers in this field would find ways to increase public awareness of smart tourism and e-tourism.

Social Sciences and Humanities scholars such as sociologists, anthropologists, and bodybuilders are tasked with investigating the sociological impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak, as ways to deal with social anxiety as a result of the pandemic. Additionally, an assessment of the economic impacts of COVID-19 on business activities, the need to start with e-commerce, e-marketing, e-banking, and other electronic ways of doing business are important topics to explore. Social and cultural anthropologists should analyze the cultural and social perceptions of different people in world regions about the coronavirus and recommend the application of culturally relevant interventions to combat the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Likewise, psychologists and psychiatrists should suggest ways to deal with post-traumatic disorders resulting from quarantine, as well as stigmatization and discrimination towards patients with COVID-19 and their families.

Additionally, this is the time for educational technologists to come up with proactive ways to deliver instruction online through various forms of learning management systems, smart tutoring systems, and social media platforms. Artists should creatively produce animated cartoons and other forms of signage in electronic formats to promote online in the fight against myths and misinformation surrounding the treatment of COVID-19 and the need to eliminate all forms of stigma and discrimination. against people who are tested. for COVID-19. Of course, this is the time when researchers from all fields of study must collaborate to investigate pluralistic ways to combat the global COVID-19 pandemic.