A recent British study stating that up to fifty per cent of the world’s food is wasted is alarming and baffling, to put it mildly. Why is there such a high percentage of food waste in a world plagued by famine and what steps can we take to remedy this situation?

Behind this alarming statistic is the stark disparity between the wealth of first world and third world countries. As consumers privileged to reside in a first world country, what we so wantonly discard would be considered a luxurious banquet for those struggling to survive in third world nations, where they battle disease and live on the brink of famine on a daily basis. . base. We need to change our shopping habits by being more selective in our food choices, to minimize waste, and to be more proactive in supporting the work of organizations assisting and contributing to famine relief.

Everyone’s attitudes toward food vary. Some people meditate silently while eating, reflecting on its nutritional content and the general health benefits it provides. On the other hand, many do not and show an indifferent attitude towards food. We are used to shopping carts overflowing with food from different parts of the world, much of it packaged and processed. The vast majority of these items carry “use by” labels that encourage consumers to believe that even highly processed and preserved foods become unpalatable after a short time.

Citizens who have lived through previous wars and concentration camps would be horrified by such flagrant waste of food. Almost everything now has an ‘expiration date’ or ‘expiration date’. Products that in earlier times would have been acceptable well beyond their current expiration dates are now discarded as normal. We need to question whether this ‘use by date’ mentality has been promoted in part to drive higher product sales. Manufacturers realize that consumers facing an expiration date are more likely to throw away food that is still tasty and safe to eat. We have put aside common sense and millions of years of evolution that developed in all of us the ability to recognize when food is spoiled, rotten or moldy.

“Today, we produce around four billion metric tons of food per year. However, due to poor harvesting, storage and transportation practices, as well as market and consumer waste, it is estimated that between 30 and 50% (or between 1.2 and 2 billion tons) of all food produced never reaches the human stomach.”


The prevailing food distribution and marketing system controlled by very large international companies brings with it “unrealistic” competition in the market. In the pursuit of the consumer dollar, supermarket chains will access products from around the world by offering them to consumers, regardless of seasonal availability. Such a system has a built-in waste factor. Some foods are simply not fresh when they arrive on the supermarket shelf and are therefore likely to be rejected by customers. The seller, however, continues to carry the product line even though it is less profitable, simply because its availability ensures that customers return to his store for other lines. Less concentration in the food industry would make sellers less prepared to carry non-economy lines that would ensure that waste in transportation and distribution would be minimized.

Education is the key to help reduce the massive food waste that occurs around the world. Multinationals that give up less-than-perfect supermarket lines for the compactus should change their minds. Rejecting vegetables on the basis of their inability to fit the stereotype demanded by supermarket chains and food processing companies is wasteful and unnecessary. Living in a first world country should not excuse us for having edible food so easily. People living in third world countries appreciate all food and don’t take it for granted. We should pay more attention to our growing world population and the central role played by equitable access to food. Population growth puts more and more pressure on us to use arable land and water in the most productive way possible, as well as to exploit natural resources sustainably to ensure their availability for future generations. Wasting less in our food consumption is the other side of the same coin.