Just like link building, email marketing takes a lot of effort. Imagine spending hours designing and drafting an email, creating a huge list of email recipients, and then emailing everyone on the list just to see some responses, some of which might even be negative, it would be really very upset.
Email success rate is not just a count of open rate and click rate. The main factor here is: how many positive responses are received for your emails. The response rate determines the success of your campaign. Here are some tricks to increase email response rates.

Subject Line: The first thing that catches your eye in an email is its subject line. This is the part of the email that is displayed first. Therefore, make the topic attractive and try to gain a good amount of trust with the words used in the subject line. Go ahead and personalize your subject line by using the recipient’s name. Don’t mislead the reader by giving a good topic, but disappoint the reader by having a total turn off content in the email. So, craft your subject line carefully, to pack the larger message of the email content into a few words. You’ve crossed the first step if you have a subject line that makes the reader open the email with the intention of reading more.

Email Body: Once the reader has opened the email, the first glance at the email shouldn’t bother them. If you just have great content to read and it stands out, then the reader is sure to move on to your next email. To keep their ongoing interest, you’ll need to have some images, call-to-action buttons, and the size of the email should be moderate. The first lines of the email are very important. It must be attractive and attractive. Keep the first few lines dedicated to the reader so they know there is something for them.
The next step should be to give your message, as to what you want for the client. Keep the message direct and let him know your goal of sending the email in a nutshell. Once your message is clear and clear, quickly end the email with a nice closing note. Be courteous and show appreciation to the reader for their time.

End on a high note: Use closing words that are pleasant and include your signature and other helpful details for the reader.

Segment your subscriber list
After putting a good amount of effort into creating a great email… simply sending mass emails to hundreds of subscribers doesn’t do much good. Spend some time segmenting customers based on a few criteria like: age, interest, gender, etc. And then send emails that are relevant to these segments. For example, an email marketing for a current fashion trend for readers whose age is >60 is of no use.
So, if you have segmented your readership based on age, you can target your email marketing campaign to the right age group. This increases your response rate while trying to calculate response rate against a relevant list of readers. Now, instead of sending 1 email to 100 users, you’ll probably create 3-4 emails to target each segmented list with content relevant to the segment.

You probably won’t reach 100% response rate. But you could achieve a good amount of success by following the format that suits you best. Having crisp and clear content, adding a personal touch, and showing customer benefits in the email should improve your response rates.