Water pollution and water treatment has been a major issue for most of the 20th century, but it really started to show signs of progress during the 1970s. However, most corporations are somewhat stagnant, still selling the products they sold decades ago. Although the technology has advanced, the water industry has not. Most other industries are showing signs of improvement and progress by improving their products to be more eco-friendly and user-friendly. Water filtration products that do not use the latest and most advanced technology do not conserve water or allow the user to achieve maximum results.

The Industrial Revolution of the mid-19th century introduced water pollution along with amazing technological advances. By the middle of the 20th century, the effects of these changes could be felt throughout the world. Environmental movements erupted when pollutants flowed into the ecosystems we need for safe drinking water. Finally, voices were heard and the Clean Water Act (1972) was passed, which remains the basis of legislation and regulations today. Around the world, water pollution, water waste and water conservation are issues of concern and controversy. 3.4 million people die each year from a water-related disease. Also, 780 million people around the world lack access to clean water. To say that this is not a global problem or a global industry would be an understatement. Even here in the United States we have a lot to worry about. Advances in the water industry are just what we need to face the trials and tribulations of water scarcity, increasing population and demand for water, agricultural needs, water pollution, and water conservation.

According to various reports, there are about 161,500 public water systems in the United States, including about 53,000 community water systems. The rest are non-community systems that also face many problems. Of those, there are many that have been found to exceed federal maximum contaminant levels or treatment standards set by the EPA. In 2011, more than 8,000 maximum pollutant level violations were reported, affecting more than 14 million citizens. In fact, there was an increase in rapes compared to those reported. Here in California, there are about 680 community water systems that actually have to rely on contaminated groundwater sources, leaving it up to the water industry to provide systems that improve water safety and quality. About 40% of those community water treatment systems have violated regulations according to reports from the California Department of Public Health.

California relies on advancements and technology in water treatment systems for multiple reasons. Bad farming habits are currently causing more pollution than some homeowners can handle. The state has identified agriculture, including cows, as the primary source of nitrate contamination in more than 100,000 square miles of contaminated groundwater. High levels of nitrates in drinking water also increase the risk of methemoglobinemia, or “blue baby syndrome,” which can potentially kill infants. High levels of nitrates can be the result of animal waste that can breed disease-causing pathogens such as Salmonella, E. coli, Cryptosporidium, and fecal coliforms, which can be 10 to 100 times more concentrated than in human waste. More than 40 diseases can be transmitted to humans through manure. While agricultural practices have certainly improved in recent years, some rural residents are still concerned about the safety and quality of their drinking water due to preventable contamination from poor practices. They, too, trust the water industry to preserve the integrity of their drinking water, even though they may not choose the greenest or most efficient. There are also other problems out of the hands of the residents. Cost and lack of political influence are common factors in the state of your drinking water facilities. Providing safe drinking water from a contaminated source seems like something Americans shouldn’t worry about, but small rural communities can’t balance cost against need, so it becomes an unmanageable burden on small utilities. If states can balance cost against need and find the funding for new and improved point-of-use (POU) and point-of-entry (POE) systems, it may be the best solution to provide safe drinking water for these communities. .

Climate change is also a problem related to the lack of water and the need to conserve it. According to the United Nations, climate change has been predicted to have a variety of serious impacts on our water resources. Changes in temperature and precipitation can affect the availability of our water and water resources, increase the frequency and severity of droughts and floods, and alter our ecosystems that help maintain water quality. The evidence is clear that the global temperature is changing. California is even experiencing more droughts and less snowpack, leading to conservation issues. A global temperature rise of just 3-4°C could cause changes in runoff patterns that will force an additional 1.8 billion people to live in a water-scarce environment by 2080. These are serious possibilities that need conservation now to prevent that we can continue to have water tomorrow. Some under-the-sink or home reverse osmosis systems will actually waste water, so even though they are purifying the water, they still add to the underlying problem. The key is to find a system that wastes less water but is still effective at filtering drinking water.

Although the water industry itself may still be focused on the past, some water filters have finally stepped into the future. Advances support water conservation efforts and purify water at the same time. Most traditional reverse osmosis systems cannot do both simultaneously. Increased awareness of water pollution and scarcity means that the water crisis is having an impact on the demand for effective water filters. Practitioners agree that the latest technology shows improvements, particularly in the area of ​​electrochemical deionization (DI). Incorporates whole house reverse osmosis with reject recovery, regenerated exchange tanks with zero liquid design, and softened water with no use of salt or waste of water. Limited water waste is the biggest breakthrough and improvement in the water industry to date. Traditional reverse osmosis systems waste 90-95% of the water they use just to produce a smaller amount of filtered water. The new technology significantly reduces water waste while still doing the job it was designed to do: remove harmful contaminants. In addition, electrochemical DI can produce drinking water similar in quality to reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis, while still effective in many cases, is more of a thing of the past. It lacks major advances in technology like DI electrochemical claims. The cost is also about the same, with a significant reduction in wastewater. Most of these DI systems include a sediment pre-filter or TDS reduction cartridges. They use electricity to effectively reduce contaminants such as lead, copper, nitrites, nitrates, and arsenic. Also included is a carbon post-filter, corrosion control and an optional ultraviolet or ultrafilter.

To keep up with the latest technology in water filtration systems, look for a system with programmable software that’s easy to use. The software must control the system rather than the user and manage optimal performance based on the quality and quantity of the feed water. Performance and recovery are optimized when the system can adjust to feedwater conditions. Controls are also available for the user to dial in the taste of the water by controlling the mineral content and electrical current. Part of being user-friendly also means that technology has made it possible for the system to self-monitor and notify the user when service is needed and allows for text messages or emails to service members. On-board computers speed up maintenance and notifications take a huge leap forward. Field Service Assistant technology is commercially available on some systems, which can provide the technician with a complete system diagnosis and update, and then guide the technician through the entire process step-by-step for maintenance or service. Leak detectors can shut down the system when detected and give an alarm so that the user is notified and can request assistance for the system. The possibilities are endless with the future of water filtration technology. The many factors have created a need for change and a need for technology to ultimately support the environment and consumer safety. Drinking water is essential to life and all Americans deserve safe water. Systems on the market today also allow for water conservation. To make the best decision, find a system that wastes significantly less water than traditional reverse osmosis systems and is effective in preserving the overall quality and integrity of your drinking water.