monument signs

Monument signs are freestanding signage pieces that sit low to the ground and often feature a stone or brick look. They’re typically located at the entrance to a building or parking lot and help identify your business for visitors and local residents alike. Monument signs are a great way to display a variety of information about your company, including your name, logo, address, and directions. In addition to attracting attention, they can also highlight your company’s value and make it stand out from the competition.

Monument Signs comes in a variety of sizes and styles, making it easy to find the perfect option for your business. You can choose from a wide range of materials to build your monument sign, including masonry and concrete for more traditional looks, pre-formed foam that imitates brick or stone construction, and steel monument signs for a sleeker appearance. Monument signs can be lit internally, externally, or both to illuminate your messaging at night.

One of the best things about monument signs is their ability to attract the attention of both visitors and local residents alike. They’re a great way to advertise your business 24 hours a day, and studies show that businesses with monument signs see increased sales.

What are monument signs?

While many people associate monument signs with multi-tenant buildings, they’re an excellent choice for any location. They work especially well in locations that are surrounded by multiple buildings, such as in a shopping center or an industrial park. In these cases, monument signs can be used to display a list of all the tenants in the building, and can be a great way to help navigate people to the right place within the space.

The height of a monument sign is also something to consider, as it will determine how far away you need to be to read it. For example, if you’re using your monument sign to attract customers from a busy highway, it’s important that your message is easily readable at a distance. This can be achieved by using contrasting colours, keeping the sign simple, and ensuring that it stands out from the background.

A monument sign’s pole cover is usually a solid colour that matches the surrounding area, and it can be used to add a pop of color to your signage. You can have it textured to match the surrounding landscape, or finished with a sprayed stucco to give it a more upscale look.

While there are plenty of options available for monument signs, it’s always good to check with your local signage by-laws before getting started. There are often restrictions on how high and wide a monument sign can be, as well as regulations about what kinds of materials it’s made from. Once you’ve gathered all the info, you can work with your local sign shop to create a monument sign that meets all of your requirements. The results will be a strikingly beautiful and effective piece of branding for your business.