Supplementing your current strength training or running regimen with the addition of various cross-training activities can help you improve your fitness level and add variety to your workouts. As you add different activities, you can help combat potential boredom with your routine while challenging your body to gain strength by using exercises your body isn’t used to.

Remember, it’s not meant to replace your main workouts, just supplement the less critical ones when you’re bored or need a good mental boost. Depending on the activity you’re training for, whether it’s a competition or a marathon, you should focus on your main goal and supplement it with cross-training once or twice a week.

Cross training helps prevent injury by allowing your core muscles to rest and recover while giving your body a good cardio workout. Plus, it will also help your supporting muscles get stronger, without having to do additional resistance training, which can increase your power, strength, and even speed in your primary sport.

Add flexibility, agility, and stability to your overall fitness when you regularly cross-train. Again, you’ll develop extra coordination and stability that will only help you perform better and better. For example, runners generally use their hamstrings and calves more, as these are the main muscles used when running. For a runner, kick boxing may be the ultimate cross-training exercise because it helps strengthen the core, promotes balance, and helps strengthen underused leg muscles like the quads and abductors, which can make all the difference when running a marathon.

Cross training also adds motivation to your workouts. Boredom is the enemy of workouts as it can create a negative association and will ultimately lead to decreased performance. Switching up the pace several times a week will help keep you motivated and focused so you can focus on your critical workouts and perform at your best.

Not including cross training in your workouts can lead to overuse injuries and muscle imbalances. Athletes who add cross-training can correct overpronation that occurs when certain muscles are overused and never allowed to fully rest. This can help you become a better athlete overall.