Web 2.0 is a buzzword commonly used to encompass diverse and novel processes on the World Wide Web. Although predominantly a marketing term, some of the key accusations related to Web 2.0 include the emergence of social networking, two-way communication, various “glue” techniques, and substantial diversity in content types. Although most of Web 2.0 runs on the same platform as 1.0, there are some key discrepancies. Our objective is to identify the elementary differences that lead to characterize the properties of interest in 2.0.

Web 2.0 falls in love with a combination of designs on the Web in recent years. The precise definition is subtle and difficult to categorize with the binary label “Web 1.0” or “Web 2.0”. But there is a clear separation between a set of extremely popular Web 2.0 sites, such as Facebook and YouTube, and the old Web. These separations are visible when it is managed in a variety of axes, such as the technological structural and the sociological.

One of the main differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 is that content creators were very few in Web 1.0 and the vast majority of users served simply as content consumers, while any user can be a content generator. in Web 2.0 and various technological aids. have been added to increase content generation potential.

Another difference between Web 2.0 and Web 1.0 may be based on time. The term “Web 2.0” was coined around 2004, and many of the first genuine Web 2.0 sites began to progress in late 2003 and early 2004. Websites that have changed their structure somewhat since the early 2000s and before they can be counted as Web 1.0 (like IMDB).

A key feature of Web 2.0 is that these sites encourage users to spend as much time as possible on their site. They offer strong incentives to increase permanence on the site. In Web 1.0, most websites have links to external sites, and users can easily follow those links to other sites. The main reason for this is that most 1.0 websites tend to cover a single topic and do not require users to log in to access them. On the other hand, Web 2.0 sites encourage activities within the site, typically requiring users to log in and create links to others on the site.

Web 1.0 sites were for one-way communication, while Web 2.0 sites build a two-way communication medium. Web 1.0 was autocratic and top-down. On the other hand, Web 2.0 is democratic and bottom-up. Instead of the New York Times 1.0 website listing the top stories of the day, Digg.com, Buzz, and Yahoo.com describe the stories that users voted top.

Websites 1.0 were clearly meant to be passively read. Web 2.0 sites entice participation by voting content up or down, rating it, commenting on it, and submitting new posts. By the year 2000, Amazon.com allowed users to review books, but today users can participate in many different ways, such as creating product listings, writing product guides, and editing wiki (Amapedia) articles. In 2000, Amazon used its sites to sell the products it bought. With Web 2.0, Amazon now allows you to list and sell your own books and new and old products through your website.

Websites 1.0 were static and rarely changed while websites 2.0 were dynamic and changed every hour or even more frequently, weighing all those user actions. Web 1.0 sites were closed sites, while Web 2.0 sites are collaborative sites.

The following table highlights the distinguishing features between Web 2.0 and Web 1.0 and compares how things have changed since the web culture collapsed.

Internet 1.0

it was about reading

it was about companies

It was client-server

It was HTML

These were home pages.

it was portals

it was about taxonomy

it was wires

It was about owning

It was about going public

It was Netscape

It was screen scraping

It was web forms

It was about hardware costs.

It was about dial up

went top down

It was edited and produced

It was commercials

web 2.0

it’s about writing

It’s all about communities

It’s about peer to peer

It’s all about XML

it’s about blogging

It’s all about RSS

it’s all about labels

it’s wireless

It’s all about sharing

It’s about business sales.

it’s about google

It’s all about API

These are web applications.

It’s all about bandwidth costs

It’s all about broadband

it’s bottom up

it’s raw

It’s all about AdSense